here, i’ll save you the time of posting the play by play for us…

anybody that’s interested, click:

Not sure why any of us even care anymore really. While there’s a decent chance Philly and Boston will lose out it’s VERY unlikely Washington will.

hahahaha they are booing after that breier hit, hes hurt. headed for the bench

hahaha crosby hard tot he goal post, going after the stars

edit: pens powerplay

philly loses.

pens score


Ha, Sid the Kid puts the nail in the coffin.


your welcome guys :stuck_out_tongue:

Very nice redirect too boot.

So your telling me there’s a chance…

lol this immediately came to mind when i read your post:


Spacek back in the lineup tonight!

2-0 Montreal in the first. If they don’t get this under control quick it’s not going to matter what Philly, Boston or Washington do.

I guess Lindy got my hate mail. I see he put the Vanek/Roy/Afinogenov line back together.

They’ve looked good tonight too. Some good chances and they’ve drawn 2 penalties. If only the Sabres knew how to score on the PP.

i think thats it

and they are spent, maybe next year DOUBT IT! not unless we pick some guys up

wtf!! you guys need to step it up

Not sure how many guys we need to pick up. I’d settle for a coaching staff change. There’s still an awful lot of talent on this team but when you change line pairings as much as most teams lines it’s tough for any chemistry to build.

If you want to play with different line combinations early in the season no problem, but when you’re still juggling lines while you’re struggling in your last 5 games trying to make the playoffs you’re just fucking things up.

true I guess, but ou gotta figure our defense now its terrible that last goal we couldnt get the puck out of the zone musta been spent from killin off the PP

I dunno… I still ahve to stand by Lindy. I think he deserves another shot for sure…

i think we need to get a new defensmen and offensive talent, get rid of kalinin, bring kaleta, weber and sekara up and get rid of kotalik.