this is why we sing hossa and trade max for ollie. ftw!

sign miller and pom and trade connolly and max then cut peters. Also maybe trade Kalinin since he fucking sucks.

do not want kalinin

Trade miller first. forreal you cant expect a team to score 4 or more goals everygame.

dude just go away.

maybe I should, all the way to the playoffs with Biron, ya know the goalie buffalo traded , the one who gets the job done :smiley:

A good point has been made! Miller was run ragged this year though. I have a feeling he won’t sign anyway. Players don’t like buffalo its just a sad fact that no one wants to deal with the organization and i blame quinn for that.

Kalinin’s a UFA IIRC, no trade for him, he’ll walk. I don’t think anyone’s even talked to his agent. Cap space freed.

That was probably Nummie’s last game, too :frowning:

Premier goaltenders, the ones who make the kind of money Miller is going to demand, play that many games.

Nabokov 3rd, 77 games
Brodeur 5th, 77 games
Lundqvist 6th, 72 games

two words: Poor Managment.

Three more: ticket sales 2009?

I’ve got a lunch bet with a coworker that they don’t have to cap seasons next year. He thinks the bandwagon is sturdy, I think the wheels fell off that bitch.

I dunno… i think there are still alot of casual wagoneers that will hold on because its socially cool, still.

But yea, I’m betting there will be no waiting list, as in the last few years.

Hell, where was the party in the plaza this year? :roll:

Hate to say it but I sincerely hope that they do not sell out like whoa, maybe catch Larry & Toms attention…

Thats honestly the only thing that will work. If they made an honest effort in trying to build a team the fans would still come. They might not sell out all the time but at least they would have a 3/4 filled building consistantly which is more than i can say for most of the league.

The bet isn’t doom and gloom for the team, just no need for a waiting list on season tickets. I think they’ll do well selling seasons but I really doubt they’ll have to cap sales so there are some individual tickets available.

I’m not doom & gloom… just no waiting list. I think thats a reasonable hope…


Yeah, it could be worse. The Sabres could have a whole bunch of high paid dinosaurs with no move contracts.

All the season ticket holders that I know, myself included are getting them again next year. I think they will still have a waiting list. Even if people who have seasons, have no interest in going to all the games or any for that matter, will just sell them at face value. There’s going to be enough interest to sell out most of the season minus a game or two.

Now if they miss the playoffs for 3 or 4 years in a row at some point, then that waiting list will be gone. I don’t think that’ll happen though. At least I hope not.

i have seasons, and i already renewed… however, i think you have assessed the elasticity of demand a little low… there will be some drop offs due to not making the playoffs and an up and down year. i doubt that it would take 3-4 years of not making the playoffs to really see/feel the effects.

i think the single most pervasive issue that concerns me is that the sabres went from president’s trophy to missing the playoffs in one year, a feat that has only been accomplished thrice in recent history. to me, that indicates a breakdown in leadership from the top down.

did quinn/regier/golisano engineer an excellent two year run? yes. could it have been prolonged/improved? yes. however, it was partially dismantled, leaving a frustrated fanbase to wonder why.

Oh we know why. They are some cheap SOBs!

Yeah your right. The season ticket holders won’t be the problem. It’ll be the non-season ticket holders that will decide to spend their money elsewhere. That’ll start to happen this coming year especially if the team starts bad. And once those people start to lose interest, its only a matter of time for some season ticket holders to as well.