thank god… we needed a win

I’m confused. I thought we were playing the Bruins, not the pre-lockout Devils?


Chara coulda had 294 penalties last night. He had Gaustad’s number.

Yeah you could see the relief on the team when they were piling in on MacArthur…hopefully this is a good launching point to take care of the leafs…

oh yeah and Sakera (sp?) needs to gooooooooo

Miller averaging 1.00 GAA for the past 2 games. Soliddddddd.

Funny how out of 4 total points both teams could’ve taken from each other so far, they both have 3 points.

goose played awesome

Oh hai guise. Shut out by “Swiss Cheese” Raycroft last night, eh?
season series tied 1-1.

The sad thing is the Sabres played a pretty good game and still couldn’t find the back of the net. The chances are there but they’re off by 1/2 and inch. Post, post, post, wiff on an empty net, great move only to lose control at the last second.

It’s frustrating to watch so I can image how frustrated they’re getting. You can really see it in Vanek, especially when they zoomed in on him on the bench after missing that big scoring chance and you could see him say, “fuck me”.

Its beyond upsetting to watch it.

Its not just that they have the worst record in the league.

Its just that this brand of hockey is just very boring to watch. This season I have just wanted to fall asleep watching sabres games.

Watching team after team drop back and trap for 60 minutes just isn’t entertaining. Its a big yawn.

And I’ve really lost alot of faith in this team. Last year, they would be down a goal with 5 minutes left, and you just knew they would tie it up, then win it in overtime.

This year you have no faith, and they lose game after game.

Typical Buffalo sports I suppose.


i’d give all of vaneks salary to keep briere or drury…or all of vanek and kalinins salary to keep both

team has no leadership, team lacks heart, result = we fail

ugh…i have tickets to the ottawa game the day before thanksgiving and i think im just going to sell them unless i feel the desire to see a really really good team smoke us lol


i’d give all of vaneks salary to keep briere or drury…or all of vanek and kalinins salary to keep both

team has no leadership, team lacks heart, result = we fail

ugh…i have tickets to the ottawa game the day before thanksgiving and i think im just going to sell them unless i feel the desire to see a really really good team smoke us lol


:jawdrop: wow, giving up already?


you guys fucking suck


i’d give all of vaneks salary to keep briere or drury…or all of vanek and kalinins salary to keep both

team has no leadership, team lacks heart, result = we fail

ugh…i have tickets to the ottawa game the day before thanksgiving and i think im just going to sell them unless i feel the desire to see a really really good team smoke us lol


So when you completely dominate a team like Boston last night and the win just doesn’t happen… you wanna freak out on the players saying they have no heart…

45 saves by tim thomas… a plethora of scoring chances, they just didn’t find the back on the net.

Our Players did their job. Its just poor luck that boston got those two pretty lucky goals…

I don’t see anything wrong with what the sabres are doing in general… (maxim could stop giving the puck away) but they will start to click and find the back of the net.

Keep in mind Miller is 31st in the league for save percentage too…

Same with the toronto game… Sabres out shot them, played Meh… and Miller let in 3 goals on 23 shots…

Just a Slump to start the season. Lindy will figure it out and we’ll be back to a playoff team


ugh…i have tickets to the ottawa game the day before thanksgiving and i think im just going to sell them unless i feel the desire to see a really really good team smoke us lol



Bandwagon :tdown:

You’re not the only one though. Let me know where the seats are at and how much. I might take them off your hands to watch them beat the sens.



Bandwagon :tdown:


we’ve had this discussion before good sir :nono:

im not jumping ship…hasn’t happened in 25 years, not happening yet

i doubt i’d sell the tickets even if they were winless on the season

sabres can’t buy a goal right now…slumpsville in full effect thats all…


So when you completely dominate a team like Boston last night and the win just doesn’t happen… you wanna freak out on the players saying they have no heart…


i think miller is lacking heart this season, so yes…granted he played superb in the one shutout win he has this season, but i haven’t seen his flare yet this year…he’s letting in rediculously soft goals (that granted are not ALL his fault) which doesn’t sit right with me, especially when he’s in a contract season if im not mistaken…


just watched the Better Days DVD that i bought earlier in the season at a game, and it made me sad :frowning:

this year is becoming depressing…we just looked so much better last year…

tomorrow’s a good night to start the turn around i think… :tup:


45 saves by tim thomas… a plethora of scoring chances, they just didn’t find the back on the net.

Our Players did their job. Its just poor luck that boston got those two pretty lucky goals…

I don’t see anything wrong with what the sabres are doing in general… (maxim could stop giving the puck away) but they will start to click and find the back of the net.



They have been running into some really hot goalies lately and haven’t been getting any breaks.

I disagree about Miller though. The Sabres have been shutout 3 times already this year, with one of them being against Montreal. Miller let in 1 goal that game, and that wasn’t a softie. And even before that against Columbus; 2 goals that were just nice goals from a team playing the trap and preying on players like Max who turn the puck over. And the Toronto game, well, 1 goal right off a faceoff and another from a break away by Sundin.

My point is, he’s doing more than enough to keep them in the game; they desperately need to tighten things up in their own zone if they want to go anywhere this year.


> If naked pictures on the Internet are any indication, Jiri Tlusty is one wild and crazy guy from the Czech Republic. > > And apparently, now regrets it. > > Naked photos of the Leaf rookie – apparently taken by himself into a mirror – have appeared on various Internet sites. > > Another photo, of him fully clothed and touching tongues with another man, was also posted. The photographs were apparently taken last year.