:tdown: :tdown:

this is getting pitiful

hey guysss its still early, sabres will find their waY, starrrtingggg tonite?

i guarantee victory tonite


So many missed chances again, like reallly bad missed chances… Its frustrating watching a team that can easily have 3-4 of those losses back.



basically this season thus far, goal posts > sabres :lol:

Whatever. Just whatever. Lets go crash the leafs thread to boost our self esteem…

Who is going tonight?

ottawas season started out same as ours last year and vise versa, not this year, theyre the strong team.

it will take some time, but we will get it back


Who is going tonight?


me got a parking pass for me mr sabre :slight_smile:


me got a parking pass for me mr sabre :slight_smile:



I forget how the boxes are setup on the 200 level…but I have the 4th table in from where they do the intermission shows…say hi…

can u get me MEDIA pass for ice level photography?


me got a parking pass for me mr sabre :slight_smile:


it’s GET…not GOT

and where is your comma?

dummy ©JN’ed

lol im not a dummy


you were ©JN’ed

face it

property of goose inc.



you were ©JN’ed

face it

property of goose inc.


stop with the ebonics and speak english

Any word on Tim C?

not playing till next week i hear, his pussy is still hurting.

I am gonna become a proponent of the larger nets if D Roy keeps missing wide open ones… :frowning:



j pom is the worst player on the team

sorry had to say it
