I don’t know why everyone assumes the “non-hockey” fans would have hated it. Soundsl ike just the hockey fas did.

They were talking about it on the Radio down here on multiple stations all morning. Sounds like it was a hit?

On top of that, non-hockey fans are hardly going to notice a slower game pace / less quality game due to the ice/weather conditions.

It sounds like NBCs coverage blew. Wish I had realized it was on TV, I would have watched some.

This is the interweb, he could have photo shopped that entire picture for all you know :slight_smile:

Plus so what, what if it is real?

Seeing you on the roof was priceless.

I had an absolute blast at the game…all you haters are just that.

Yes it was a slower paced game and yes it actually took a lot longer but what do you expect with an outdoor rink built in 1 week???

I am just happy they didn’t play today, it is bitter cold out there!

Is there anyone that recoreded the game that could give me a copy of the dvd? My dad attempted to recored it, but apparently the hd was full. After being at the game, I would really like to see how it was on tv. If so give me a pm.

I would like a copy sent to me also, I will pay for it. PM Me

my pops DVR’d it… maybe I can use a tuner card to convert it to a DVD format?

probably wont have the time in the near future though

Now I’d really like to see the All Star game done in a football stadium, except one with a dome. All those extra seats, plus a quality ice surface to see the stars at their best.

But keep doing one regular season game a year outdoors. Even if it doesn’t allow the NHL to really showcase the game’s speed and precision passing it was a great reward for the true fans, the players, and the city that hosts the game.

lol @ all the hate.

It was Crosby’s show, NHL fans should’ve been aware of that from the moment it was announced.

The idea is to sell / grow the league… and Sid the Kid is the poster boy. He is the face of the league. Accept it & learn to love it. He is that good, so its not as if it weren’t justified.
Is he over hyped? Sure. Thats what marketing is about.

Overall the game shown well for alot of casual fans, or people that may have been flipping channels and found themselves watching guys playing hockey in the snow.

It would’ve been nice if there were more scoring - to differentiate the “new” NHL which is faster paced, from the old NHL where every game was low scoring and “slow”.

Still, the OT, big hitting, Crosby’s highlight reel, the inclement weather, the shootout… all great points for the talking heads to cover.

… When Crosby stepped on the ice for the shootout, I told the wife “he wins it, storybook.”
Everybody (~8 people) asked me how I knew? Was it fixed? Blah blah blah… Told them simply that “this whole event was about him. The league wants him to do now what Gretsky did in the 80s & 90s.” Buffalo was chosen because we had the facilities, and we were a huge name last year. If we had retained some big marquee names (Drury / Briere) then we would’ve had a little more sackriding, but thats about it.

He will never be a gretzky in my book. I would put him on part with maybe mogilny. The reason i say that is because all those marquis players from the past proke these records when you could have your jaw broken in front of the net trying to get in a good position to score and still put it in the net. Players are protected today and still can’t touch the great one’s numbers.

It was a great experience! Tailgating in January for a hockey game was awesome! The game was good. I just saw the stoppages as a chance to grab another beer or to run to the pisser!

I thought they should of brought in somebody better for the in game stuff. That bald prick was annoying, and maybe a better band for for the intermission entertainment.

Ugh yeah the bald guy was annoying as shit

I sort of forgot about my biggest gripe!

The sound SUCKED…they didn’t use the Bills in house equipment for whatever the reason may be and it was extremely hard to hear any announcers and as far as Sam Roberts goes can’t blame them…shitty sound plus cold weather = crappy music

Gretzky was as protected as anyone today. He had plenty of goons to watch his back.

but that doesn’t mean he was untouchable. People had their chances to take shots at him and did but he still scored. No one can touch the current marquis players.

if crosby was actually able to score a goal on the flip up or the spin move, I would have accepted the fact that they played it over and over. Anyone can do those moves and get shutdown everytime. What the fuck is so special about that?


no idea, yea he flipped the puck up and tapped it 3 times… but he didnt get no where after that. he was checked by the sabres defense and that was it lol

Crosby just had a fight a few days ago. I can’t remember ever seeing the Great One throwing his own punches.

I’m not downplaying Gretzky at all, and, sure the game has changed, but I don’t really see the difference in treatment.

The league is completely changed, guys are putting up more goals because they don’t have to worry about skating in front of the net. If this happened 15 years ago they would have been beaten down.

:lol: @ Buffalo being the only franchise that would sell out a football stadium in 10 minutes… 50% of the buyers being able to only name 3 players on the whole team (the 3 hottest ones of course).

maybe someday buffalo will have a player half as good as crosby is @ 20 years old. Oh wait…we do, his name is Vanek but for some reason he get’s paid more than Crosby and puts up 1/4th of the numbers.

was it just me or did miller kind of not even attempt to stop the last two pittsburgh shooters? Talk about getting out of position…

second to last shootout goal was tricky for him. The guy barely had control of the puck for most of his stick handling. I think miller thought he was gonna lose control of it. He regained control right before he took the backhander.