so…that was fucking gruesome

just got home from the game… that was FUCKED UP

i cant believe how quiet 18xxx people can get when something like that happens

WOW, thats just bad luck. its good that he knew enough to get to the bench fast, i know i probably would not have thought of that if that happened to me

That was one of the most graphically disturbing things I have ever witnessed in person in my entire life. I kind of almost felt sick.

i felt numb. it didn’t even really process… still just kinda shocked.

well on a more positive note, at least were lookin at a playoff spot

That is correct. We kind of have the 8th seed locked as of right now… we need 4 points to take that spot though in 4 games…

very similar to the Malarchuk incident


oh god.

that was awful

i was eating pizza during the game, i couldnt even finish it until like the game was over

that was horrid. glad he’s okay.

Boston is still a point ahead of us, and we have no games in hand. Not sure where you’re getting “locked” from.

Update on Zednik.

hahah response made me LOL

hahah sorry chuck…had to :stuck_out_tongue:

yur all welcome :fyi:

damn that loss to boston the other night, then we would have a spot, damn that point

so does anybody know if we are going to pick up Olli Jokinen for campbell? iv herd all kinds of talk about it

i feel bad he had to go to a nearby hospital in buffalo hope it wasnt joes o god

Buffalo Gen. according to the news.

my mom works at Buffalo General, i wonder if she seen him come in or helped with his injury

rangers = 59 games played.
sabres = 55 games played…

sabres get 4 points in 4 games… thats the 8th seed if all the teams played the same amount of games… we’re averaging just over 1pt per game…

I doubt we’ll be able to sign him either…