I’m impressed with the loss of blood that he made it to the bench. News just reported that he just got out of surgury and surgury was successful :tup:

As soon as I saw it, it reminded me of the Clint Malarchuk incident. That scared the shit out of me back then.

yea that was scary, glad that so far everything is going well…that was alot of blood in a short amount of time

Thats scary as fuck.
Just think of how you bleed when you cut your finger, each one of those drips coming from his neck in that pic are 20x’s that, then you see the ice afterwards and it really just kind of makes you weak at the thought.

my mom said hes there but couldnt really tell me anything right now because of the doctor/patiant confidentiality

thats just plain nasty big props to him to not laying there and actually skating to the bench

His life depended on it, luckily some people have the natural instinct to react like that.

umm he probably was running on straight adrenaline and wanted help like asap cuz his neck was sliced

Jesus the man almost lost his life atleast give him the credit and spell his name right “Zednik”!!!

i noticed that too, but gave him a break cuz he already made the mistake of making this thread all together

werd…that was the first sabres game i ever went to…both really shitty, but i think malarchuks was worse…I was sitting behind the net.\malarchuk2.jpg

fixed just for you bud, can this thread be closed now?

Don’t bring that weak shit to Jaroslavs house! I will cut ya…bitch!

full article here

I agree, I think Malarchuks was worse only because he was staying in front of the net. And you saw all the blood.

And of course, there are 3 parts of the video on YouTube.

ouch! never a good situation when that happens!

first thing i said was malarchuck v.2.0

best wishes.


Word has it that Jim Pizatelli(sp?)-Sabres trainer, was on hand as soon as it happened and stuck his finger in the artery to stop the bleeding, Jim was a Vietnam medic and had lots of experience-including the Malarchuk incident, may have saved Zedniks life. unreal.
incase you forgot the first horrific mess:

BTW i had a hockey game at Pepsi center tonight-The Ref that worked our game was also in fact one of the Zamboni drivers at the HSBC, that cleaned/smeared that blood around. He was in NO mood to fuck around tonight, called the most penalties ever!

that shit was insane to watch even from the tv screen thank god hes alright.

that is some fucked up shit though

Heres a slightly more graphic clip, its stops before the mayhem, but goddamn the thought rushing through his mind when he hits that ice and sees that pool form so fast, my god!