Solid game, I think we only have like 9 or 10 more away games for the rest of the season so it seems like were going to finish off strong.

To post an update - apparently, Zednik is much better…

It’s some smart thinking on getting pressure on the bleeding that kept him alive, really. And depending on the slice, the nerves to his right arm are near there, too - so the fact that he could use his right arm is remarkable.

And personally, I find it odd that they said the carotid was injured, rather than the jugular - the jugular is more superficial and that blood on the ice looks awfully dark for arterial blood from someone who was just exercising.

But then again, that’s me… and for those that care, I’ve had some experience with this - I had a kid who got hurt here at RIT on the Under-18 Team USA squad that had a similar problem:

waiting for people to start jumping on the Sabres bandwagon again.


1st place here we come!!! omgzzzzz

how else are they supposed to meet merchandise sales goals

So has anyone found this video online yet? No luck here.

i believe it was on the sabres website

Yeah, that was great. For a minute I thought we were going to see the medical staff in action again trying to get Ray breathing.

lol@sabres bandwagon
Go Philly :smiley:

go away.

i figured u were a philly fan buy your retarded hockey posts

Cost of said retarded hockey posts?

my friends are already like “OMG Stanley Cup!!!” Where can I get Stanley 08 shirts!!!



I was referring to the fact that you used “buy”, as in, to purchase, in the wrong context. Incorrect homophone usage really chaps my ass.

lol the “u” is right by the “y”

Nice, tight checking win. Miller FTW!
