shut up paul…

we were up 3-0 last game…


look how well that turned out

not tonight junior

lol…ill kill you

look…they scored.

so shut ur damn mouth paul :slight_smile:

damn it!

LOL, nobody will go with kaleta

this game is gonna get messy…

wow…they’re booing him??

very classy fans.


Now this is really going to get ugly.

And yes, Philly is probably the biggest city of assholes in the entire US.

its philly, would you expect anything different?



Seemed that the Buffalo bench took alot of exception to that hit, and for good reason, that seemed to be alittle from behind.

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
It isn’t over yett.

Goooo Philly

just karter go away!

OMG they dont even do play by play…

they are just talking.

i fucking hate VS

It’s like listening to an NHL executive board meeting with a hockey game on in the background.



i blame paul

god, this game is so boring. im honestly trying to watch it, but i just get sick of the announcers and start doing something else.

great another d-man is out

I’ve been trying to find Paul Kelly’s email address so I could tell him exactly what I think of listening to his bullshit meeting when I’m supposed to be hearing the play by play for a hockey game.

No luck so far.

He’s Paul Kelly, NHLPA Executive Director.