You know what, fuck it. Put Max out there on the least skilled line and he’ll still score. Who needs Vanek/Roy. :lol:

THEY lose their fucking sticks more than any other team in the NHL

Fucking Sakera. You’ve got Spacek without a stick and you’re trying bullshit moves trying to get out of the zone? Just lob it to center ice.

WTF is up with benching Kalinin to bring this asshole up? Put Kalinin back Pratt and they’ll be back to being a great pair.

it got hacked in half though

yeah, seriously, fucking ice the puck, who cares. at least he gets a stick…

5-2 so far so good, just hollllld on sabres.

hello aaron


hi hi micah

im listening to the radio and watching it on cable and its about 1-2 seconds slow

ew they just said GAYGLE

god i wonder if anyone has emailed VS about how shitty, and useless the announcers are. This is fucking ridiculous

Dish is going to be even worse then because of the 3 seconds of latency sending the signal to space and back.

The more Versus games I watch the closer I get to building a little radio DVR so I can manually sync WGR to my TV signal.

wouldnt the proper spelling be GAGGLE? LOL

I think Gaygle better represents the Versus announcers.

So what, with about a minute left do we send Peters out to give Upshall a vicious cross check into the boards?

he should def do that, just hope he doesnt get CANCELLED

love how they tell us what the penalties were :bloated:

these announcers SUCK

it always seems to be gausted doing that. i would like to see more out of peters, then he would be on camera more. at least hes entertaining.

big win.

tomorrow is another big game

Wonder how long we’ll be without Talinder.

the micah guarantee prevails yet again!

thanks god we pulled it off, lets hope we light up the caps tomorrow.