anyone else REALLY pissed about tonight. we got hosed big time. their second goal was offside by about 2 feet after a holding penalty. and the other one should have been a goal. we should be headed to oooooovvvvvveeerrrrrtime right now.

technically we brought it back into out zone so its not offside

God Ovechkin is insane

ALEX WHO! word lit miller right up first goal, Ill admit boys got skill hes awesome but he goal hangs too much sabres I dunno, I guess thatswhat happens when you let 3 star players walk out I call for new team owner :slight_smile:

so i know there are alot of ovechkin haters in buffalo, is it still just because of the briere hit?

i like him, infact i like him better that crosby

word me too! Hes a solid player

He seem’s to be a natural, no problem finding the back of the net.
I’m curious to see if Crosby is going to be as good after the injury.

Dyna-files, air-blasts, whining servo-motors and a pedestal grinder. I’m at work.

i cant fuckin stand that we boo the best player in the NHL. ovechkin rules !


why would we not BOO him?

We need him off his game anyway it can happen. Apparently we didn’t do well enough with that last night.

god damn he is a fucking threat.

oh yea… and how about that kalinin being in on those three breakaways. God he makes TERRIBLE decisions…

So Sekera is our #1 defenseman now? Really? That’s what putting him up against Ovechkin says.

yea but if gretzky was here , ud boo him too to get him off his game? have some respect i say!

but honestly i dont think booing a guy like ovechkin has much effect anyway

i wonder how much of it is left over from the dirty hit he had on brierre.

i think he did awfully well covering him too…

Sekera was a +/- 0 soo… he did something right

Absolutely right, I would boo ovechkin just cause he isn’t on my team

ur simply a silly goose and i like it

has no effect, he loves the attention its great guy is awesome
