sekera matched up to the style of defense needed to play against oveckin… being able to put your stick on his, stay close and harass him, and be able to move your feet… cant think of any other guys on our team that could stay with him step for step

Ovechkin wouldn’t have half the points he does now if he played some defense.

He is +17, 92pts, 54goals. He doesn’t need to play defense

damn terry just got n2Ovechkined :nono:

i agree. i was there last night and the first time people started booing, i felt like we were sitting in the Philly arena.

im all for booing someone if its deserved, but just because we know we’ll never have a player like that is pretty rediculous.

wait you mean how he hustled to backcheck bernier to set up the backstrom goal? hmmmmmm

That’s what it looked like to me last night, too.

Sekera was matched up against Ovy all night, yet oddly enough, Kalinin was on the ice for both of his goals. lol.

I just don’t understand how we can leave him in Rochester all year, call him up, and 2 days later he’s the best d-man on the team. WTF?

And either bench Kalinin or put him back with Pratt. I’m going to spray paint that message on Lyndie’s car soon. The guy is solid with Pratt, and a liability without him.

No it’s because he talks like a douche lol

because he’s russian? :bloated:

Yes, LOL

the great one wasnt dirty

plain and simple.

I’m gonna go out on a wim here, and pretty off topic.
The caps uniforms are horrible looking.
Anyone else think so?

i’ve thought quite the opposite ever since they came out :stuck_out_tongue: we even debated getting them for our next ice hockey season

i was at the game last night and i watched ovechkin do literally next to nothing other than stand by the blue line, attempt to hit people, and occasionally attempt to skate quickly when and only when he got the puck…he’s a cocksucker plain and simple…who gives a shit if hes gonna break 60 goals? he plays a one sided game with no attempt at defense

at least crosby plays defense…i’d rather see crosby break records than ovechkin the human sack of shit

wow i love your avatar lol

If you go back and look at Gretzky footage, you’ll see that he did exactly what Ovy does.

yea but ovechkin shouldnt even be compared to gretzky theres no comparison…gretzky wasnt a cheap player…more importantly, he wasnt russian

Define being cheap.

And who cares if he’s Russian? You sound like a fucking idiot.