he is quite the blue line hanger. He is good but he is not crosby good…

have you heard the asshole talk? me ovechkin…i like fight…i stand up for me…i dont mind fight, its good…he sounds like a moron…at least some of the other russian players can sort of sound halfway normal…

watch him during his games…he throws cheap shots all over the place…personally im not hating on him for the cheap shot he threw on briere b/c he doesnt play for us anymore…i saw at least 5 cheap shots last night…hes a bag, end of story

yea even tho VS cock rides crosby, he is a damn good player…an ALL around player

gretzky - 6’0", 185lbs
ovechkin - 6’2", 217lbs

if i was 6’2" and weighed 217, i would make a point to knock some heads given the chance all while scoring 60+ goals a season

aside from ovechkins cheapshot on briere, i really haven’t seen too many instances of him being “cheap”…rather, all i see is him score…he’s the best natural scorer this decade. sure the guy throws his digs on players, WHO DOESN’T…its part of the game. him “talking like a fag” is him not being afraid to stick up for himself. look at douche mcfag crosby…someone hits him and four other players NOT INCLUDING HIM go running to his rescue…someone hits ovechkin, he GETS HIS ASS UP AND HITS BACK…a trait exhibited by…NO OTHER “talent” in the league…

you can’t compare him to gretzky b/c the game was different back then than it is now…gretzky racked up 200+ points four seasons…no one will touch that…gretzky had 70+ goals in four seasons…that won’t happen again, let alone anyone ever touching his mark of 92 in one season


the game was different…watch the films…goalies looked like clowns on roller skates…if they make the nets bigger to compensate for larger pads, expect the scoring to go back into those astronomic stats…else it won’t happen


you’re going to tell me that you can’t respect a player who CARRIES his entire team…over 50 goals in 2 of 3 seasons, 40+ in all 3 seasons, possibly 60 in his 3rd season?

gretzky was a paltry +15 in his first season all while racking up 137 points…was he a cherry-picking cocksucker who didnt play defense too? shit, he went NEGATIVE 25 one season with the kings while scoring 130 points…WHAT A FUCKING DOUCHE TOOL THAT GUY MUST HAVE BEEN :roll:


I think the fact that a Big dude can score and play l;ike that is more impressive then some little players doing it.

“Nobody can beat fat albert in a race” hahaha

He’s a talent that can look out for himself, not saying that hit on danny wasnt cheap way back then, but still if he wasnt 5’2’’ 75 lbs it might have turned out different.
I like that Ov holds his own, just imagine if kaleta or peters could score even 20+ goals.

Lol, Ovechkin doesn’t nearly have the assist gretsky does… whether its a hall of fame supporting cast or not… next yea with backstrom we’ll see how good ovechkin really is

spot on, sean :tup:

fact is…you cant compare gretzky to ovechkin…thats like slapping gretzky in the face…who else is gonna lead on the cap’s anyways? at least the penguins have a few guys that arent afraid to stand up and be a leader, not just crosby…when he was out im pretty sure malkin, malone and for fucks sake even the younger staal brother all stepped up…and look, there 1st in the eastern division with crosby bein out for awhile…what would happen if ovechkin went out, well fuck they couldnt do much worse…they suck more than the sabres and thats not sayin much…pretty shabby season to say the least…

man you are just rambling and rambling without actually backing up anything

so, uhhh, we have the hardest closeout schedule in the league apparently.

The Sabres’ remaining opponents entered Thursday’s games with a record of 270-208-61, which means they picked up points in 61.4 percent of their games — the highest for the six teams fighting for three playoff spots. Boston’s opponents were next at 61.1, followed by the New York Islanders (60.8), New York Rangers (59.9), Philadelphia (59.7) and Washington (59.1).


whats the eastern division btw?

I agree with you as well Sean, but your forgetting about players like Iginla, Lecavalier, and Thornton. While those three are considered “power forwards”, they are all among the league leaders in points/ goals/ assists and don’t hesitate to crack a few skulls if need be.

Ovechkin is awesome. End of story.

This is where the reference to Gretzky came from. It’s impossible to compare players from different generations in terms of points. Jdmr2 put it pretty well by saying that goalies looked like clowns back then. Before the butterfly was made popular, they would just kick at a puck coming at them :lol:

Ovechkin is the mothereffing man, though.

Is MSG down for anyone else? I’m in the Dunkirk / Fredonia area.

fine in cheektowaga

what the fuck…

that second goal was weak

where is bernier?

god fuck shit piss ass whore

thanks refs for giving them the game lol