injured groin

Well yeah…fuck.

I hate to say it but part of me wants them to miss the playoffs because it’s the only chance we have of getting a coaching/management shakeup.

I’ve watched this power play suck for too long now. It’s time to bring in a special teams coach that start getting consistent results with the man advantage. Percentage wise we’re not that bad, but we can never score that PP goal when we’re down by a goal and really need it. I have to wonder how much of our percentage came from those few 8 or 9 goal games we’ve had this year. If we sneak into the playoffs they’ll use the excuse that there is no need for major change. Same goes with getting Tommy Boy to spend up to the cap.

so realistically, what are the odds of us making the playoffs now? there’s only a handful of games left right?

yeah I’m thinking they are done.

including tonight we have 13 left and we are 4 points behind philly, and our schedule isnt one of the easiest to gain the lead over philly.
Philly has 13 left also and has their work cut out for them as well.

I’m a Philly fan, but being realistic, they are probably done too.
injurys, way to many injurys.
between brad, simon and danny, they lost to many games they shouldn’t have.
(i think danny is back, I dunno philly games arent broadcast here)

Mathmatically it’s pretty easy for them to do it. 4 points in 13 games with 3 of those games being against the shitty Maple Leafs and two against the seriously misfiring Senators.

Realisitically, the way they’re being coached and how they’re playing, I doubt it.

Close this thread or change it to a golf thread.
I haven’t even used my tickets to the last 2 games.:biglaugh:

^ I’ll take em off your hands if you dont feel like going to the next game

anybody else goin tonite?


There are 26 points to be had still; so yeah, I’m optimistic that they’ll make the playoffs. It’s not like they’re 4 points back and only have 4 games to play; kinda like the Islanders making the 8th spot last season.

I will say this though- if they do make it into the final 8 spots, I think they’re going to make a serious push into the second round.

Getting Tallinder back won’t hurt either.

Why is it that all old people are fairweather fans?

Agreed there. If they make it it means they’ve finally turned things around and could be a serious contender.

I just don’t see them turning things around. We’ve been waiting for that all year and it hasn’t really happened, so why think it will in the last 13 games.

I was optimistic about the team making the playoffs right before the lockout, so why would I think any different this year? Haha, the life of a Buffalo sports fan :frowning:

I do agree in thinking they will make the playoffs

but even getting out of the first round will be tough considering how inconsistently they have been playing.

we shall see though!

What’s going on with Numminen? I haven’t heard hide nor hair about him in a long time…

thats because he had fucking heart surgery

is he supposed to hop right into intense training and get his ass on the ice? lol