Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

Yeah that team can just explode at any time. The pens dominated the first period but just couldn’t get one in. They look lethargic until Talbot scored. Yeah I think as long as they start getting points in most of the games and winning 5 of 7 like they have been doing they will be fine.

One thing that kinda pisses me off is that Gonch was left off the All-Star Ballot. I mean hes missed a few games and he still leads defensemen in points. He has been so solid this year.

I read about that, and what they said was they make the ballots at the beginning of the season they make a list. It came down between Gonch and Whitney and they went with Whitney. I like Whitney and all…but Gonchar deserves to be in that game more…look at the last 7 years…he dominates…last year he was the #2 defenseman in points, this year he is #1…even after missing a bunch of games. Oh well…i wrote him in…I hope he still makes it

very happy… no disrespect though.
he’s done a lot of great things for the penguins and for the city. he and his wife do a ton of charity work.
you cant really critisize his career. not too many players have 500 goals. i just think his time is up. i hope he has as much respect for his carreer as everyone else does and hangs it up.

What a game last night!!! Letang stepped it up again! I love Malkin more than the next guy but he isn’t for the shootout, I was surpsied they didn’t put Malone in but whatever. What a win, way to bury the Canadian teams! Look out Canucks

Nice win last night!!! Letang looks better every game…not to mention his shootout goal…which was insane. Danny stepped in and looked good as usual, he made some huge saves to keep us in it. Lets hope Fleury will be OK, he was starting to get hot. Only gave up like 3 goals on 90 shots. Malone’s shorthanded goal was crazy…he beat 3 guys to get that break and gave a smooth fake shot/flinch and smoked Kiprusoff…that guy looks so good this year. He plays 110% and does a ton of small things that open up the ice.

6-1 in the last 7!

Looks like everyone is starting to get it in gear. We need to close out this West Coast trip with a win in Vancouver.

Kris Letang is moving himself into manchild status real quick!

Yep…or you can say 7-2-1 in their past 10…not a bad 10 game run. Yes Letang isn’t quite a manchild yet, but if he keeps it up he will be soon!!!

Recchi’s headed to Wilkes-Barre…

They are going to recall him today so they can sign him @ 1/2 of his $1.75 Million contract

looks like the wreckin ball is headed to ATL.

either way they’re looking good tonight at vanc. luongo is robbing everyone tho

that was a really exciting game to watch… from start to finish.

Letang is the mother fucking MAN!!!

same move twice hahaha!

Nah, he went backhand in Calgary.

Nonetheless, Kris Letang is my father. I love it.

That was the most exciting and intense Pens game I’ve seen in a year or two. I love games with great goaltending like that. Just amazing.

yeah that was an amazing game. luongo is such a good goaltender, he was definitely on top of his game tonight

no, same move… shot… no… deek… scores.

As I said from Opening day of the season my boy should’ve been starting! What a fucking game tonight. I don’t think I can remember the last time we went on a Canadian roadtrip and came out with points in each game!

Are you talking about Letang in the shootout? He went backhand in Calgary

Lange said first time in penguin history we swept on a west coast road trip. Glad to see Sabourin can protect the short side he looke really good.

Letang’s goal was sick