Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

Danny has the skill, he just lacks on ice experience. He’ll start to fall into place after a game or so.

we are 1 dimensional team, we have to bring in more scorers eventually and d men but at least we will have good competitive hockey for the next 15-20 years

Ehhh, not too sure about that comment. This of it this way, we are still young and have a decent core that needs to grow. I think we have a decently rounded team with a few holes. I think if Episito turns out to be a 30+ goal scorer we should be fine for scorers. I think we have a hole at defensive defensemen…but overall I like the core just need some time to develop. See how we are in 2010 and then you can tell who is a bust and who stepped up.

Crosby, Malkin, Sykora,…lets hope Espisito

Guys who “Chip In”:
Talbot, Kennedy, Malone, Christensen, Staal, Armstrong (if he ever wakes up)

Defensive defensemen:
Eaton, Scurderi, orpik (He pisses me off from time to time tho) I think we have a Gap here.

Offnesive Defensemen:
Letang, Whitney, Gonchar (will be gone soon tho)

Role Players:
Ruuta, Talbot, Armstrong, Staal, Malone

ya good point about the age of the team, most people forget they are so young (including me). I still think of malone and staal to be scorers, i think staal will get back on track next or late this year, i gaurantee you, he did nothing in the offseason, think about it, you come in as 18 year old rookie score 29 goals, he prob figured he didnt need to work hard in the offseason. I wouldnt count on esposito for anything especially not a 30 goal scorer, he is far from the nhl, he might not even be nhl ready in 2010

i would certainly entertain the thought of trading gonchar in the next 1-2 years for a solid dmen and some young prospects

IN two more years Gonchar will be 35, so he’ll be trade bait soon after.

One thing that seems clear is that a lot of the success the Penguins had last season was because none of the other teams really knew what to expect. They thought the team would be bad, and when they weren’t, they took a lot of teams by surprise, and were able to win games as a result. This season, they’re struggling a lot more, especially within their own division, because other teams know what to expect, and gameplan against the Pens.

thats what i feel, i think we need to change things around, behind the bench

Chris Simon was somewhat punished for what he did to Rutuu the other day. He has an indefinite leave of absence where he is seeking “help”…ohh yeah with pay of course. So far it seems kind of a joke so far, especially since he is going to be paid while taking some time off. The way I see it is you have a solid history of being a waste to the NHL and putting others careers at danger…so get the fuck out and don’t even think about picking up a paycheck. Lets hope the league steps in and gets rid of this waste of life for good.

The NHL is a joke, if he did that outside of a professional sport he’s be sitting behind bars—not to mention the list of other stupid things he’s done. My only hope is he actually gets help before someone seriously gets hurt from that guy.

The NHL is way too lenient on it’s suspensions and whatnot…

First off, Todd Bertuzzi shouldn’t be in the NHL, I’m glad he’s a washup now… Hopefully he will retire soon. Steve Moore is still unable to play hockey because of him.

Chris Simon should be out of the league too. If the NHL wants to clean up its image it should start laying down the law to these goons.

Fighting is part of the game, usually the guys shake hands or will be civil about it, but there’s no place in the game for what Simon and Bertuzzi are doing.

Pens may be in another outdoor game nex year. I think it would be awesome.

oh man, that would be awesome

Thats pretty sweet! Anyone else notice how much the Ice Bowl tickets are going down in price? If they keep it up I might take the trip after all!

I’d love to goto the Winter Classic but wifey isn’t too keen on it…

penguins rule… capital R

Simon got a 30 game suspension…that is good the NHL is making an example of him…he should just quit hockey…he does nothing good for the sport.

Also Ben Eager…they guy on Phili that Roberts beat the shit out of…got traded to Chicago. That sucks, considering Laraque was planning on destroying that faggot. Check out this quote by Laraque, “I really wanted him and, on the 24th, I would have done everything to embarrass him, especially with what he did with the coach,”

how about Letang on the shootout, scoring tonight in the shootout making him 3/3

That game never should of gotten to a shootout… None the less good win!


I agree…but overall I enjoyed it. It is crazy how good Christensen and Letang are at shootouts. Letang has so much offensive talent it is sick…I may be an idiot for saying this…but I think Letang is good enough to produce on O…he skates awesome, has insane puck control, moves, awesome shot. He is the real deal. Crosby did decent in his first fight. The Laraque fights were a joke…Chara is suck a fickin pussy…too scared to get hit so he wrestled Laraque down…pussy. Overall kinda fun/crazy game to watch.