Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

I’m content with the win streak. If they keep it up they can top the Devils and be in a pole position for the playoffs. I say keep Ty in until he starts losing or until Fleury is back and healthy.

Malkin’s 1 timer is insane. Overall awesome game with the scoring/fights/crowd getting into it. Hope they keep it up.

Agreed…about Conklin too. We are doing well, last game was sick. 14-5 in our last 19…pretty good run. For now I like Conklin, under 3 GAA, over .900 save%…I’ll take that any day. He handles himself very well in interviews too.

conklin is going to be the new goalie. even when fluery comes back.


He’s the next Kenny Wregget. The way Therrien switches things up, you never know.

Total Domination last night over of the Gaple Leafs… I think we could’ve probably buried a few more on those guys but I’ll take the win 6-2 any day.

Malkin is a total manchild. This has already been brought up but I need to reiterate.

Ty Conklin is filling when he needs to, but he’s also getting goal support. His play is still shaky and I get nervous when a shot comes his way. We’ll see what happens.

Kennedy’s goal was really nice. He displayed a good bit of patience to make a nice shot. I don’t know why he isn’t seeing more ice time, he’s definitely got a gritty work ethic for a small guy. I’m surprise Staal hasn’t been on scratched or had his ice time cut like most of the other guuys who aren’t producing. He’s really been under the radar. Georges Laraque has two less points in 8 less GP than Stall and is averaging 9 less minutes of TOI… Just to put it in perspective.

I’m just going to enjoy this win streak.

with the firepower the penguins have, i dont think they should have to depend on above average goal tending. they should be scoring 4+ goals a game IMO so a goalie’s job should not be terribly hard on a team like this one.
if your goal scorers are producing like they did last night plus you start adding in goals from the “role player” guys that have been poking some in here and there, your goalie should be fine. there is no reason a team with this much scoring talent on the payroll should depend on brodeur type goaltending.

Exactly which is why we’re winning with Ty Conklin hahaha…

i disagree. that 1st period couldve gotten ugly if Ty doesnt keep us in that game. we were lucky to only go down by 1 in that period. when a goalie has a big stand when the rest of the team lapses, then that in-turn can swing the momentum that can turn into offense, like last night. look at the buffalo game, we had 2 shots all period (in the 2nd)and they had like 18, if your goalie isnt playing well, you can fall behind bigtime in a situation like that. the past few games, its not like we are just totally blowing teams away with our offense, like back in '93, i dunno where u guys are coming up with this view like we have been some offenive powerhouse.

my point is not that we ARE an offensive powerhouse… my point is that we SHOULD BE an offensive powerhouse. i will agree with you that we are not. but with all the goal scorers on that team, i dont think i 5 or 6 goal night should be as rare a thing as it is. its not like you need a goalie that can stand on his head every night if you are scoring six goals a game.

maybe. on paper, it looks good having sid and malkin, but aside from that i think there is alot of inconsitant production. our role players step up and then just as quickly disappear for a few games. someone like staal who was a 30goal scorer a year ago and is now unable to put anything in the net. recchi was productive for most of last year and did nothing this year and was forced off the roster. i dont things are in place enough to totaly write-off the importance of good defensive play, both from your skaters and goaltender. like is aid, we arent even close to being the '93 pens where that was true, so until we even hint to being that type of team, we need solid goaltending to make-up for the inconstitancies of this current team.

ya sucks for them :slight_smile: it was a good game tho :slight_smile:

i ended up stuck in section 110 next to the harrassment the whole game. it felt good to say

HA LOSER LOSER LOSER to everyone behind me haha

great game today. Ty looked great again.

So the pens can be top their division and second in conference if they beat the Panthers again and the Devils lose again. Of course that doesn’t mean anything till later on in the season but hey if they keep winning games they can top the conference too. and hopefully keep it.

pens own universe right now

haha…8 in a row…wow…longest streak since 1999 I think. That game last night was sweet…Conklen FTW…robbed Lecavalier. Crosby plaed a pretty sick game for getting 0 points…that kid is so fast. Staal 2 goals, Malkin keeps his point streak alive (should have passed to crosby on the empty net to keep both point streaks alive)…team is looking awesome as whole now.

wah wah wah…

It’s about time Staal gets on the board… Just imagine how unstoppable we will be when everyone is chipping in like they can.

crosby would have dumped it into the corner. he could care less about points.

ya, im sure…when there is a wide open net…

def an impressive streak. the are getting production from everyone and thats good to see.