Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

The puck juggling by Crosby was phenomenal.

The winter classic was great. Neat idea, need to work out a few kinks with the ice but I hope they continue it. I was in a boston bar and they were even rooting on the pens because of crosby.

Yes I agree +1 on the playing by Conklin. Good win by the Pens. Crosby’s true talent shines through yet again. Conklin is one crazy mofo in the net. He was all over the place, he lets up too many rebounds though. They need to keep up the winning now to keep their playoff position.

conklin is a terrible washed up goalie with a sad attitude, you ever listen to him in any interview? Hes getting terribly lucky with about 95% of the shots are point shots or top of the circle shots…hes not that great of a goalie…

toronto shouldnt be so hard they really arent that good of a team there never that great and they have a bad goaltender delema with tuskala out and clemenson in. They won last night but there track record this year isnt so great.

Loved the outdoor game…looked like it would have been crazy/fun to be there. I thought the ice situation was fine…IT IS AN OUTDOOR GAME…THE ELEMNETS SHOULD BE SOMEHAT OF A FACTOR!!! They did a great job of keeping the ice playable while allowing the weather to still be a factor. Letang was sick in the shootout…man that kid is good…Crosby usually sucks in the shootout, but he pulled it out. I hope we get to play in another one next year…Philli in Beaver Stadium would be sick…100K + fans chearing would be sick.

that was so sweet. couldnt have asked for it to go any better. Letang is the fucking man. at this point, its ridiculous to criticise Conklin. hes playing great whether you like him or not. its not like we had quality/consitant goaltending up to this point, so quit your crying.

i thought both goalies played very well. i’m not sure how they even saw the puck with the amount of snow that was falling at certain points during the game.
the buffalo fans were pretty hostile before and during the game… they boo’d the hell out of crosby constantly, which i think is pretty rediculous at this point… and having to hear it from 60,000 buffalo fans would have made the walk back to the car pretty misserable. so there was no better ending to that game if you ask me.

here’s the shitty camera phone pic i got from my seat.

WOW, ive never been heckled so much at a game, sabres fans are pretty classless though

hahaha 5 games doesnt make up for a lfetime of a shitty carear! Froma goaltending stand point… he does not play his angels correctly, He doesnt move side to side quick enough, doesnt cover his rebounds, his butterfly is terrible, his recovery is terrible… I could go on and on… Im happy we are winning games with him I just dont know how hes doing it playing so sloppy and plain terrible… and I forgot the worse part abuot ty conklin his no good selfish attitude…

^^^Listen to this man!^^^
When it comes to terrible goal tending, Dan is the authority on the subject.

I can agree with this… I won’t forget the game when he was with the Oilers and he came in for Roloson who got hurt. Then he totally blew the game by hishandling a puck behind the net.

He’s not our savior, this is Ty Conklin we’re talking about… Shouldn’t be any question when Fleury gets back who goes in net. And I also think we should be shopping for a solid backup goaltender. Sabourin just doesn’t give me confidence.

haha of course!

by the end of the season everyone will be like whos ty conklin lol? In the NHL its never what someone has done for you int he past its always whos producing currently… Once fluery will come back he will start, and everyone will forget about conklin… Saborin is a great backup I just dont think hes capable of making consistant games unfortunately but he has proven he is NHL goaltender material.

when did i say he was the savior? all im saying is 5-0 is pretty good and its kinda ridiculous to criticise it right now. all year, fleury and sabourin have been inconsitant also, so aslong as we are winning, then i dont care who is in goal, right now. what he has done in the past is insignificant. hes not the future of the team or the savior, all im saying is that our starter is hurt and ty is filling in and playing good. hes keeping us in the game and we are winning. he made 34 saves yesterday, so you can play the analyst all you want, about his angles and blah blah. 5-0 is 5-0 and i’ll take it and give him his credit.


I’m not calling you out, I know you didn’t call him a savior, I’m just saying he’s not our savior… that’s all.

that was half directed to you and also to byrned.

yeah , say what you want, he’s 6-0 and malkin got his first career hat trick

pens got 3 goals in 48 seconds tonight

6-0 with the sloppiest play I have ever seen, his luck will run out but good for him for winning…

lol. its very funny to me that the guy steps in to fill in for MAF, is 6-0, playin good in net makin over 30-some saves a night and you are bitchin. you are dwelling on the past and hoping for failure to come just so you can feel content with your obvious dislike for the guy. i dunno if he denied signing your Upper Deck mini-mask earlier this year or something, but STFU and enjoy it. hes playin well, doing the right things in net and the team as a whole is lookin solid. i dont care if noone remembers him by the end of the year, i just want this to continue, atleast until MAF gets healthy,then go from there. Fleury is by far my fav goalie and i cant wait to see him back, but even if he was healthy, id have no problem with wanting to keep Ty in there while we are winning. im happy, and im sure 99% of Pens fans are, right now.