Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

sucks we lost but T Conk was a badass still. plus Malkin’s goal was sick

No doubt…Conklin look insane…he may be the real deal. I heard Fleury looked good last night too. Therrien was pissed though…said it was a “pathetic perfomance”…and the #1 line cannot do all the work. Gave Conklin mad props though.

i love when he calls them out like that in the media… its sort of a dick move, but it seems to work every time.

in words of smokeyburnouts -Conklin doesn’t give a fuck about Phil Kessel. Or Metropolit.

steals my lines guy:weak:


edited for credit…


Madden is a fucking retard don’t listen to a damn thing he says. That guy is such a dick. Cheechoo would be a nice pick up and we would not trade Gonchar for Cheechoo ever.

That game last night was sick. T Conk had his cock on…this kid is the real deal and if he would have started form the beginning he would have 30 wins. Hopefully they make Fleury beat him for the starting job and not just give it him. Geno looked sweet again…5 game goal scoring streak…one point behind Ovechkin for the league lead in points.

One thing I didn’t like is Malone was on the #2 line. He did have 2 points but I still think he fits better on the #1 line. I personally think they are doing it now b/c Crosby will be back soon and it will be less controversy to move him now rather than when Sid gets back. It will be interesting to see what the lines will be…and if we make a move and trade some guys.

According to, the Pens are talking to the Blackhawks about possibly bringing in Tuomo Ruutu… which would make two Ruutu’s haha. I know they are only rumors but still. However, I don’t think Tuomo Ruutu would be a benefit for the “top 6 winger” we’re searching for.

i’d like to have him. hes physical and can score. hes taken a back seat now that toews, keith and kaine are there, so he might be a good fit

He’s OK…nothing special…plays hard…I would rather have more of a goal scorer though.

he was supposed to be a scoreer when they drafted him. i think he went top 10. hes been hurt alot tho. i’d take him. i dont know that hes the protypical guy they are lookin for to play on the top line as crosbys winger, but he could work. i’d take him.

yeah…who knows he was hurt a little while ago…last year he played over 70 games and had 17 goals. He is only 25 so he can still “break out”.

ya, but i dont think he was healthy for alot of those games. i remember reading about him still being hurt, on his website. basically, hes a ryan malone-type player. maybe alittle faster

I dunno, for 25 he has had time to become proven, which is what I think we need right now instead of players we can “speculate” on.

Players historically known to be bad speculations:
Kris Beech
Aleksey Morozov
Zigmund Palffy
Alexandre Daigle

I’ll add more as I go.

morozov dominates the russian super league and Palffy was good even on a shitty team, he had like 42 points in 40 games for the pens. beech and daigle just suck, daigle even more so

I like Morozov…well when he played like he could. I remember he would be insane then that one time he didn’t score a goal for like 25 games…but I would say he was awesome…Palffy was good. Beech isnt as bad as people think before coming to the pens he had 5 goals and 11 assists in 20 games…which is decent.

The basis for the post was to bring to the table players who we brought in to make a significant difference and they just didn’t live up to potential, as opposed to paying money to a big gun and getting productivity, thats all.

my point is, i really dont think we are gonna be bringing in someone like Hossa etc. this idea that we are bringing some high-dollar winger in to play with crosby probly wont hapen IMO. atleast not with the signings we have ahead of us (malkin, staal, fleury etc). in saying that, i’d be happy with someone like ruutu if we got him for the right deal. id like to have brian campbell or cheechoo, but i think thats alittle more than we will end up getting. i guess we’ll see tho.