Official 07-08 Penguins Thread


shut up burny!!! lol im surprised that wasnt a post last night after the game… we all know fleury is good but he cant be consistent in my opinion… i still say conklin starts… plus come next yr if conks is the starter we can keep him but if hes backup he might go to another team…

His plan is simple and direct. Return from a high left ankle sprain - his broken left leg has healed - to play in at least five regular-season games and then do what Roberts often does in the playoffs: hit anything that moves on his way toward the crease, park there and score a handful of big goals.

Sounds good to me…So within 3 weeks we may have Uncle Gary back!!!

fleury blew, the defense blew other then gill, and noone shot the puck! f’in embarrassing

yep, he’s the greatest :rolleyes:

not tonight… there really wasnt a good goalie on our team tonight… tonight wasnt exactly a game you can blame on a goalie. Too many shots not enough defense in front of the net.

I won’t put all the blame on the Flower, but he didn’t look good at all. I think if T-Conk would have played the entire game we would have had a better chance. What I noticed…but always knew…just stood out more was T-Conk’s ability to play the puck creates a lot more offense than Fleury’s. It is a big difference watching them back to back. It will be interesting on who they start next game. I would say Conklin for sure in…he definitely played better.

i wont blame fleury but he did suck tonight. 2 of those goals were soft, despite poor defensive play. the goal on conklin wasnt his fault either, i blame whitney on that. i think conklin played well tho. malone was our best player that game tho. oh well, we just gotta get ready for the Caps.

2 goals were not soft… its not like it was a 20 shot first period… there was no defense in front of the net…

def needs to pick people up in front of the net… everyone needs to stop trying to give crosby the puck so he can get point. they need to shoot more and quit trying to make a highlight real. and yes burny 2 of the goals were weak cause they should have been covered by fleury. we barely had any shots on the powerplay. they need to step it up if they think they can play like that and beat the caps.

thank you. the 3rd one was a bad misplay by fluery and the other came on a bad rebound (which he was doing alot of)

and i also agree with the other stuff you just said nh4442

Burnturd is just your typical jock rider/hater…will hate on Conklin even though he is solid 99% of the time and will defend Fleury when he plays like ass (aka burnturd style from what I hear)


the thing is. i really like fleury. i want to see him do good and he is one of my fav players but the fact of the matter is hes too up and down, like Chad always says. T Conk came out of nowhere and hes playing awesome, for the most part, so he has earned my respect.

I am pretty much the same way. Last year I thought he stepped up his game a lot and just needed to fine tune a few things. Which is cool considering how young he is. But this year he does look good at times but others he is “fragile”. One thing I hope he picks up from T-Conk is playing the puck…it creates so much more offense and leaves stress off the D.

conk>fleury - this year, next year, and even 3 years down the road.


they did not look alive last night at all. And Laraque’s fight was way too early in.

it was supposed to switch some momentum in our favor and they scored again, like 2 seconds later. lol:hsugh:

haha yea, talk about an icer…ugh.

Over all the defense needs to have more of a physical presence. This whole season they let the other team float in front which we cannot afford to let happen. Gil and Gonchar are solid but the others need to improve in that dept. The offense just looked shaky. Malkin wasn’t smooth at all. Crosby’s attempts to break through were foiled. Lets face it, the panthers were alive, it was mentioned in the pregame how well their morning skate went despite some pens complaints of the poor ice condition. That is no excuse for professional hockey.

got this at work today in an email… this guys got a rough life.