Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

Hossa got game…and I am sure a bank account with 8 figures doesn’t hurt either.


hey well take it to the ice any day!

you havent scored a goal on me in a single pick up in months.

Haha…I am game…my ice game is a bit rusty, but from what I hear it shouldn’t matter :slight_smile:

bethal park. tonight.

No skates…and I have a party to go to 2night…sounds fun though.


IM gonna score on you while Im doing my hippo on ice routine

we’ve been over this. ive changed my stratagy. i shoot for your head now. dont act like you can’t notice

just scored tickets for tomorrows game down here in DC, pretty pumped, any word on when hossa is back?

I really want to go to that game… Its going to be awesome to see hossa and then ovetchkin hes just stellar to watch in person.

and, I really like huet hes been one of my favorite goalies for the past few years, I think caps really got a deal to get him.

No Hossa today.

Thank you Backstrom!

good win, laughed every time the announcers said something about fleury and his poor rebounding skills and how many shots luckily hit the post cause of his angles… cause i thought of burnyd

wished hossa could have played but oh well… also whats up with all the announcers saying shit that hossa wont resign if we dont win the cup… plus stating how many other people we have to resign this yr…

the arena was pretty much split down the middle, just as many pens fans, if not more actually, it was crazy

Haha, what a game. Good thing the final score is the only thing that counts really. Overall I’d say we were out played but none the less I’ll take the WIN!!! Calling the Pens Hotline after the game and asking retarded questions and making up names is always a good time!

the money is just starting to look a little tight. yes, its nice that crosby took a little less money than what he’s worth but that doesnt quite save the day. hossa wont come cheap, i think dupuis is up too. malkin deserves a little raise, stahl and malone are also ready to be resigned too… realistically, it will be hard to keep everybody. i’m sure someone else who knows the statistics a little better will be able to give all the particulars.

ehh. i dont know… sure the capitals played well. i think it was the best game the penguins have been involved in all year… definitely fun to watch. but i wouldnt say the pens were outplayed. obviously that last goal was a gift. but if the penguins werent in that game, that one goal wouldnt have mattered.

yupp, his angles were money today! Out on the top of the crease giving them nothign to shoot at. Alot of shots through and around the Defensemen today, its a good thing he chanllenged alot.

omg that was hallarious

Fleury played pretty good today. i still hate how much we get outshot by.

as far as signings, im pretty sure Orpik is another who might be up. it’ll be tough but its doable. if you take into consideration that they might not resign gonchar when hes up, i dont know how much they are gonna pay Staal cause he doesnt deserve a huge contract just yet and ho knows what to do with the goalies. if Fleury wants a huge pay day, i’d let him walk. if he signs within reason, then thats a different story. plus, i doubt uncle gary comes back, so there should be some money freeing up, just not alot.

Dupuis is signed for next year …Malone,Orpik,Fleury,Scuderi and Talbot are all up