Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

so your going to walk out on a NHL goaltender who has proven every season he has played for he can play in this league face 30 shot games and avg a 90 % save percentage?

Fleury is awesome hes getting better every year and hes only 23 yo… you need to rethink your life.

depending on what kind of money he would want, yes i would. hes nothing special. there are plenty young goalies that are as solid or moreso than him (Dipietro, Leclair, Ward, Lundquist etc). i dont think hes proven himself to be any type of standout goalie. his talent level, yes but his overall consistancy, no. hes a good goalie and i’d like him to stay here, but if he wants 4-5mil a year, i’d rather put that towards hossa.

fluery is unreliabale

Intense game yesterday…the three surperstars put on a awesome show…good thing we have two and they only have one. Both goalies looked solid and kept both teams from running up the score.

As for Fleury, yes is is good and is doing better…but if you cannot play consistent enough to hold a starting job then he should not get the big payday. I would think the best thing for him is to sign him to a fair deal for 1-2 years and let him prove himself, then sign him to a big deal. I would say like 3.5 mil over the next two years is generous enough…and should be enough to keep him happy for now. Then if he plays more consistent then give hin the 5+ mil deal. just my $.02

ya thats along the lines of what i was thinking. but since hes a former #1 pick, hes gonna probly think hes worth some huge amount and i wouldnt want to do it


Yes, maybe Fleury isn’t all he’s cracked up to be.

But I still don’t think Ty Conklin is a #1 goalie.

High Standards! lol

I think that Conlkin is more an asset due to his puck handling abilities and the way he absorbs shots and doesn’t let rebounds out nearly as much as Fleury does. Props to Fleury for some good saves, but the 2nd goal was pretty weak imo~!

WTF…we can’t get ahead…Talbot may have reinjured hin ankle and there is a chance Sykora may not play.

Penguins list of walking wounded grows
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
By Dave Molinari, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Right winger Marian Hossa, who has missed the Penguins’ past five games because of a sprained knee, joined his teammates for practice at Mellon Arena today, but is not expected to play when the Penguins face Buffalo tomorrow at 7:38 p.m. at Mellon Arena.

The Penguins also will be without center Max Talbot (ankle) against the Sabres, while right winger Petr Sykora (back) is questionable. Neither practiced today. Talbot’s injury is believed to be related to the high ankle sprain that forced him out of the lineup twice earlier this season.

The Penguins recalled forwards Ryan Stone and Connor James from their farm team in Wilkes-Barre because of the injuries to Talbot and Sykora.

Hossa, who has 26 goals and 30 assists in 61 games, was acquired from Atlanta at the trade deadline two weeks ago. He was injured midway through his first game with the Penguins.

I wanna see Connor James get funky on a goalie again.

It’s so nice to have a deep line-up.

X2! Most teams would’ve packed it in for the season had they not have the depth that we have! For real if some guys get healthy, and stay healthy I think we have a good shot at making it deep into the playoffs. I’m so anxious to see what Crosby can do w/ Hossa on the wing. Keep in mind March 27th is the date Gary Roberts is HOPING to be back by. I would REALLY like to see Laraque step up his game, truthfully over the past few games he hasn’t produced too much positive play. He can DOMINATE behind the net but good luck getting him to recieve or make a pass worth a shit. I think MT need to seriously consider his ice time in the 3rd period of key games. Anyways who’s watching the New Jersey/Montreal game ay? Should be a good one!

imagine if we could keep the whole team healthy…we really need to step up on the defense though

luckily Montreal won, so when we win tomorrow we can regain 1st place… im a lil scared of the remaining last games, i think almost all are in our division, which means we need to win against NJ everytime we play them, which is three times…

the rangers are on a serious tear right now too

Yep only two points behind us. We have the Rangers 3 more times, Flyers 3 more times, Devils 2 more times, and the Islanders 2 more times…some of those games are back to back too…so it will be interesting. Keep in mind it wouldn’t be a bad thing to finish 6th, that would mean we play the winner of the Southeast Division…which is assturds.

The Southeast division is like the in between of AHL and NHL

eh, i could still see the Canes or Caps causing problems. of course id rather play them than ottawa, nj etc but i wouldnt be so confident that we’d roll passed anyone in the playoffs.

Add Crosby to the list of players not playing.,…seems like his ankle is acting up…wtf

Penguins center Sidney Crosby will not play tonight against Buffalo.

Crosby, the Penguins captain, is experiencing pain in his right ankle. He suffered a high ankle sprain in January and missed 21 games. He returned March 4 and played in three games

But Sykora is now playing


T Conk will need to have his cock on tonight and win the game for us