Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

I think we are due for a Geno HT

ya, i agree. after all he is our best player


oh snap :frowning:

:bigok: bics is so pissed right now. hes sitting in his Crosby pajamas planning his response


do you have a game signed ty conklin jock you wear as a oxygen mask?

ya. isnt that why you are such a hater? cause you couldnt get yours signed?


thats hilarious haha

Wow, that a game last night. Straight got busy on Buffalo.

Didn’t get to watch the game but saw the highlights on the news last night. The Sabres got whooped on.

I’m glad to see the Pittsburgh hockey fans are coming back out now that we have a fucking awesome team. 35 sell out crowds so far this year. I can’t wait to see Hossa and Crosby team up and kick some ass.

Game was sweet…got a little sloppy in our own end in the 3rd…but 4 gaols in the third made up for it…with 7 goals you would think Geno would have more than one point. It’s gonna be tough to beat out Ovechkin for the scoring title. Hopefully when Sid gets back that will put one of the lines against a favorable match up and we dominate.

Does anyone know if both Hossa and Crosby will be playing on Sunday? I think I am getting 4 tickets from the firm I work for because nobody had claimed them yet, and it will be my first game in probably over 10 years (haven’t gone since I was in like elementry school). I just started getting into hockey this season and I can’t wait. I will just be really disappointed if Crosby is still out along with Hossa.

Nothing is for sure yet…but they said yes they are expected to play. But it will be a gameday decision.

last night was a pretty cool game, overall. they let them hang around alittle too much, but i guess youll have that when a game starts to blow wide open. i wish Gino wouldve had more points, but he played awesome 2 way hockey (except the give-away that led to the goal). alot of guys looked really good. T Conk was decent. i wouldve liked to see him stop that 2nd goal tho. but he made some huge saves too.

Yeah T-Conk looked awesome in the 1st and second…pretty much unfuckablewith…but in the third there was a little span where he got a little sloppy…but overall he looked really good. I can’t wait until we are healthy…but it better come soon. I don’t want to get everyone back right at the start of playoffs. You would think they need to get in game shape and build some chemistry to be effective.

the 3rd period they played like ass. they should have won that game by a shutout

fixed…keep in mind we scored 4 goals in the 3rd.

Great overall game, had the majority of our big players been healthy this game easily would’ve been a double digit BLOWOUT. It’s a shame for Crosby and Hossa to be out because this game would’ve been a great first game for them to play together as Buffalo is pretty weak this year. It’s time to strap down for the rest of the season. I don’t think there are any “easy” games from here on out except maybe Tampa Bay but even that is a sure thing. My hope is once these guys come back (Max, Hossa, Crosby, Roberts, etc) that they STAY healthy for the playoffs. I didn’t hear any comments that Therrien made after the game but I hope he addressed the fact that if they want to be a Stanley Cup contender they need not let the opposing team get momentum like they almost let Buffalo get last night in the 3rd period. They need to pile on the pressure early and KEEP it on for 60 minutes straight. Props to Bob Grove and the ole’ 29’r for taking yet another prank call last night. Also give another honorably mention for Bourque as he freaking busted open Shero yesterday with a stick before the game lol what a tard!!!