Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

ill be at the game, D11, wearing my staal jersey

ITs cup time baby!

rapppeeeee 4-0

Dominationnnn! Lord Stanley here we come!!! That philly goal should of been a goal…But their fucked regardless.


wow…what a game to go n to the cup!! Domiate the hated Flyers!!! I was there and it was insane…cup time now!!

that was crazy… took lots of pics… wooo go pens!!

post pics^^ :slight_smile:

good for the fans of pgh.
lose to the flyers at philly and return home and win. good money making decision :rofl:

seems like alot of sandbagging


I bet the NHL told detroit and pittsburgh to at least throw 1 game to keep the cash flowing a little longer this year.

Both of the penguins fourth games were a sharp contrast to the rest of the games they played(against the rangers and philly, not so much with ottawa).

Maybe all they needed was you two on the ice to win those games :ugh2:

I am decent at hockey, but not quite NHL quality yet.

Doesn’t it seem odd that the last 2 series the penguins played in the 4th game, it was opposite of the rest of the games. Total domination of the rangers and flyers in games 1,2,3 then game 4 they play like shit, then back to domination for game 5 at home. It just seems a little wierd to me. :smiley:

No it seems weird for sure, but I can’t let a day pass without a Pittspeed smart ass comment.

yeah well i guess detroit is fuckin kickin themselves for letting it go… there is no way in hell you would throw a game. pride in sweeping a team expectially philly > *

just hope the detroit series goes 7 now ill beable to watch all the games

boo hoo :zzz:

on to detroit. go pens

Saturday, May 24 8:00 PM Pittsburgh at Detroit VERSUS, CBC, RDS NHL Radio
Monday, May 26 8:00 PM Pittsburgh at Detroit VERSUS, CBC, RDS NHL Radio
Wednesday, May 28 8:00 PM Detroit at Pittsburgh NBC, CBC, RDS NHL Radio
Saturday, May 31 8:00 PM Detroit at Pittsburgh NBC, CBC, RDS NHL Radio
Monday, June 2 * 8:00 PM Pittsburgh at Detroit NBC, CBC, RDS NHL Radio
Wednesday, June 4 * 8:00 PM Detroit at Pittsburgh NBC, CBC, RDS NHL Radio
Saturday, June 7 * 8:00 PM Pittsburgh at Detroit NBC, CBC, RDS NHL Radio

look who came to watch the games

Even Jagr is back in town to cheer us on?

Here is an email a Coworker sent to Foxsports, The X, DVE, Pensblog, this morning, Those that listen to the X morning show may have heard them and Paul Alexander from FSN talking about it, they loved the Idea and are going to promote it, and suggested perhaps some peirogies too.

This is in response to the Detroit tradition of tossing dead whole Octopuses onto the ice in the playoffs

Subject: A New Pittsburgh Tradition

Stan and all,

First off, love the show.

We all know of the long-standing tradition in Detroit; appropriately enough, the slime and stench associated with a dead octopus befits that city well.

Let’s start a new Pittsburgh tradition… a 3# coil of Pittsburgh-made kielbasa should land on the ice at Joe Louis Arena on Saturday, and every game thereafter! What better way to let the Pens players and viewing audience know that Pittsburgh fans are in the building?

Can you please help spread the word so that anyone lucky enough to have tickets can get the tradition started?

Thanks and GO PENS!

Chris in Warrendale

Better dead than red!