Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

lol thats correct

Tried to buy tickets…Didn’t work. Damnit.

same here

i wanted to but woke up at noon due to playing hockey till midnight and not getting home till 1… oh well i have tickets to home game 2…

someone told me you can still buy tickets for the detroit games… that’s probably not true at this point but its pretty pathetic that it takes days and days to sell out games 1 & 2 of the stanley cup finals in “hockeytown”

They were talking about the sale at Joe Louis arena and the number of fans was in the hundreds, whereas we had thousands waiting for tickets.

A friend of mine lives in Grosse Ile which is right near Detroit and he was telling me the last time the Red Wings went to the cup they had a hard time selling out the arena and you could get tickets for under $100.

I don’t understand why they don’t support the team, they’re the only team in Detroit really worth appreciating. The Lions are never going to amount to anything and the Tigers are here and there but who really cares about baseball anyways?

I am going to game 1 in Detroit :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Go Pens!!!


Detroit citizens are poor. I am not exaggerating, stroll through detroit and you can see why.

Family needs > hockey bs

Just heard this on DVE…

When to Pens won back-to-back Stanley Cups in 1991 and 1992 all of these things were going on.

There was a war in Iraq. (1991)
A Bush was in the White House. (1991,1992)
A Clinton was running for President. (1992)
The Giants won the Super Bowl. (1991)
Dominik Hasek was the back-up goalie for the opposing team. (Chicago 1992)





Pens lose

They got hosed : (

that sucks.

Ouch 0-4?

its all bc flower tripped coming out!!

Still alot of hockey to be played… Ozzy played one hell of a game and Detroit kept our rebounds from us. Awesome game on the Detroits part though, they were all over the ice.

I will say this though, ive have been to several out of state games we have lost (Philly, Toronto, Caps) and Detroit was by FAR the most unwelcome disgusting shit hole I have ever been in. We got treated like fucking trash because we had Penguins jerseys on, they denied us from coming into the bar because we had Penguins jerseys, I nearly had to punch some fucking drunk piece of shit out cause the way he was talking to my wife, they were like running around screaming in 6 yr old Penguins fans faces… just an all around distusting place. They had some kind of rave going on as soon as we got there (4pm in mid day light) and everyone was so fucking high and shit faced in the main park. Needless to say ill go to Washington or Toronto before I go there again to get my ass kicked cause that place makes Wilkinsburg look like a tourist attraction

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