Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

detroit is def a shithole. i have been there several times. that i sone place you don’t want to make a wrong turn

x3 on it being a shithole.

In GA with the Air Force for games 2 and 3… representing the pens with the Staal jersey… LETS GO PENS!!!

Same except in GA with the Army rocking a Crosby Jersey Game 2 is on with uncle Gary

Fuck Detroit Fuck those refs and I can’t wait til they get to Pittsburgh so far the games in Detroit have been cheap. I’m a little pissed about this whole series so far. this is straight bullshit even the refs in Pittsburgh are against us we better win both home games. FUCK

yeah i’m not exactly happy about the situation either. the pens didn’t get this far because they suck.

:rofl: Fuckin Yinzers

Listen, this game had nothing to do with the ability or inability of the officials. The Penguins have absolutely been outclassed so far by a team that has yet to make a mistake in 120 minutes of action. The closest thing is Filppula or Lilja or whoever fell down and turned it over in their own zone. Other than that, they have been a machine so far.

x2. It seems like every rebound chance we could score off of there is a Detroit stick right there to get it out… they are all over the place and we are getting dominated, simple as that. Is it the refs fault we had 6 shots on net in the first and they were all on a power play?

Penguins better step it up or this series will be over by the end of the week

This entire series was going to come down to who could make the least amount of mistakes. So far the Red Wings have played great hockey, granted the refs had made some questionable calls but I’d say that goes both ways. I would imagine for game 3 they come out swinging, give it all you have because you may never get this far again. I’d rather see penalties being taken due to intensity than laziness/bad decision making in your own end.

This is a rough series to watch…I think we started to figure out how to stop them from scoring but we have yet figured out how to get some offense going 5 on 5. We cannot figure out how to get control while in their zone. We have been trying to dump it in a lot but it has yet to be effective. I think we need to find out a way to carry it into there. We need Geno to wake the fuck up. They flashed some stats of his first 10 games ans he had 50 shots…last 8 games he has 10 shots. I would guess there is something wrong with him…b/c he is doing NOTHING out there. We need to get these two at home or I think we are done…but they flashed another stat and since the NHL went to the 7 game format when the home team starts out 2-0 they have won the cup 30 of 31 times…so as of now we need some magic…maybe mario should come down to the locker room and bitchsmack the fuck out of those guys.

Carry the puck in through the best defense in the league, playing the tightest trap ever?? i’d have to disagree with this one. who’s going to do it? Sid is the only one that MIGHT be able to do it once in ten trys or so but he’s getting pretty much smothered by about 3 guys everytime he gets close to the blueline.
if they want to see the offensive zone at all this series i think dump and chase is the only way theyre going to do it. they cant keep trying to blow through the neutral zone with pretty passes when the redwings have 14 guys stuffed between the bluelines. they arent the flyers.
like you said, they seem to have the dump part of it down… now they just gotta figure out the chase. with the amount of speed they have, it should be easy to get in behind the D… then they just have to figure out how to score on Osgood.

I see what your saying…but it’s not like we don’t have the players to carry it across. Malkin, Crosby, Gonchar all can carry it across. We can make better plays too…if you are “covered” then for christ sake fuckin move…it is like we stand still waiting to the person carrying the puck to carry it in or pass it. If they are going to put three guys on Crosby then there should be a wing open somewhere…he just needs to be where he can accept a pass. I agree they can work on chasing it better, but it is not like we cannot carry it over. We have the talent and ability…just no confidence. I realize you cannot carry it over everytime and there is a need to dump it where we obviously need work too. If they are going to clog up the neutral zone then when you dump it there better be someone entering the zone at full speed getting to the lose puck. Now I don’t see them doing either…we are terrible 5 on 5…I think we had like 7 shots 5 on 5…which is a joke.

I have seen Staal walk in with it a few times I believe, he seems to be the only one who can keep control with the defenders on him.

I think they just need to finish. They have had some great chances in front of the net. It seems like they keep missing little one-timers and quick passes.

fuck dump and chase… cause we cant get to it fast enough… we need to shoot more and stop making blind passes and stop trying to make the perfect goal…plus osgood is not giving up any rebounds… and i say conk would be better suited against detroit… and slow down the power play we rush passes…

You know a thought about switching to T conk has crossed my mind for last nights game. Sorry for my freaking out about the Refs but we also can’t get any offense going when we’re killing penalties. I think T conk is more experienced and probably should have taken this series.


Oh yeah and our defense needs to step up on our blue line and put body to body stick to stick that is all

The Pens could turn it around tonite… Lets go Pens! Lets go Pens!

lets go pens

Lets take these two at home and make it a new series!!!

yah Conklin is going to score goals for us… :bowrofl:

well looks like Letang is out tonight sydor will be replacing him. Hopefully we can score a goal tonight.