Official 07-08 Penguins Thread


That place will be insane to-nite! Get-em boys… They can do it!

Lets kick some fucking Red Wing ass… GO PENS!!!

Let’s go pens step it up and kick some ass


O YA!!!

Hossa needs to fucking do something… his shots are looking terrible

i want to see the ref trip again

come on malks

Lets go pens

one of the greatest games ever


again whoooooooooooooooo!!!1!!!1!1!!! yeah let’s go pens amazing play great game.

What a finish. Game 4… here we come

Not gonna say I wasn’t worried but we needed that.

It was a little tense at times, but definitely an awesome game.

How good is this… page 87… I think it was a great game. We have to keep improving to beat these guys. There were like 3 other chances we should of scored on… What’s wrong with Hosa? He missed like 2 open nets.

They need to step it up to compete with the Redwings still. We need the next win in game four and then back to Detroit.

Wow what a game…must win and we pulled it out. We need to keep this kind of play up for the rest of the series. That score could have been worse…we left a few goals out there (Hossa). That place sounded like it was insane there.

anymore T Conk comments?


thats pretty much been the story of the series… detroits defense is so good that when a rebound is given up they hold down their man.

yah I cant wait till next season to not see him on the bench