Official 07-08 Penguins Thread


anyone think there’s something else wrong with Malkin, besides being tired? he does not look like the guy who carried the team through a good portion of the season without Sid…

I dunno you know how pro sports are in the playoffs…if you can hide and injury then they will. This could simply be he is a “head case”…he seemed to drop off last year when the pressure was on. But he did do well when the pressure was on when Sid went out. If there is/was an injury I am sure it will come out after these playoffs are over.I think there is something wrong with Sykora, considering his lack of ice time and his play (minus that sweet goal in OT). I heard he is playing with his two fingers wrapped up.

Huge game tonight!!! If MAF can play as good as he did last game and if we hit a lot and have the forecheck going then I really like our chances.

i agree, but i think this series rests solely on fleury’s shoulders now… regardless if we play one more game or two, he will be taking a helluva lot of shots. i think the whole malkin thing could be a head issue as well… it seems as if detroit has gone after him waaaay waaay more than crosby. if you were to ask me when the last time malkin was able to carry the puck all the way across the blue line into the offensive zone, i couldn’t tell ya.

I’m not sure if I agree with that. If you watch at what matchups they try to get it seems that Datsyuk/Zetterberg against the Crosby line. They pressure Sid just as much when he has the puck but he is making better decisions when entering the zone. Malkin need to watch some film and see what they are doing and what his best option(s) ususally are. They are keying in on him hard but he has to make bette rdecisions when trying to enter the zone.

malkin has 2 broken ribs from either the last philly game or the first det game, i cant remember which one. my old roommates knows one of the trainers or someone who works with the pens son… and thats what he was told… so i duno if its true or not, he has told us other things like crosbys ankle last yr etc…

you’re my hero

Damn still 4 hours… I cant wait that long!!!

If they can get their defense back in working order we may have a better chance. And wtf is up with the offense? After half ice just shooting the puck into the Detriot area. Our offense and defense needs to step it up, Fluery can’t be our savior every game.

I’d guess everyone has seen it circulating by now, but anyhow:

In 1991, the Giants won the Super Bowl
In 1991, there was a Bush in the White house
In 1991, there was a Clinton running for President
In 1991, there was a war in Iraq
In 1991, the Penguins won the Stanley Cup

In 2008, the Giants won the Super Bowl 
In 2008, there is a Bush in the White House 
In 2008, there is a Clinton running for President 
In 2008, there is a war in Iraq 
In 2008, the Penguins?

redwings win cup !!!

Maybe next year.

Great Season though

Yes indeed

no comment on goaltending and rebounds… see all previous posts from me :slight_smile:

great season though. cant wait for the draft and off season contracts!!!

sucks, we had such great players/team…just wonder who were gonna lose for next year. who are the free agents for next yeat?

Am I the only person that hates Chris Osgood?

i hate Osgood, but he is a damn good goalie, he played a hell of a series, everyone on both teams did, we were simply outplayed

Congrats PENS on a GREAT seson!!!

just assume everyone but crosby and gonchar…

absolutely not.

Why do you hate Osgood? You guys do realize mark andre flurry scored the wings wining goal.