Official 08-09 Penguins Thread

naw they didnt really say anything on tv, the only highlight of the game was when scuderi lit malone up in the corner, this of course would be payback for the no call boarding, shortly after the no call stick throwing of mike smith, to which steigerwald and bob errey both were actually yelling “you can’t let stuff like that go” “you just can’t you have to call stuff like that”

Yeah at the end of the malone/geno thing malone tapped geno on the head and geno had no part of that. That hit on Malone was huge…then smith…we booed for like 3 minutes straight…what a joke.

made a league on that extra attacker if anyone wants to join. Leaguename is: greatdayforhockey, id:125 and password is pens.

Got heavily outshot last night but managed a win. Great play from M.A.

We still need to get it together. Hopefully we can light the lamps on Montreal tonight. Would be a good game to goto and see Kovy.

price is the only person that kept montreal in the game some of his saves were amazing. atleast it was a good game last night. a few unessasary turnovers but it still looked better then the games in the beginning of the week.

still should have won though

wooo Gill is back on tuesday. I know some people don’t like him but i think he will help us out, atleast he can throw some weight around the net and help clear the viewing plane for fluery…

if only he would throw his weight around…

tuff game tonight, lets go pens!!

Chara vs Gill?

Real tuff game tonight…not to mention we have them two games in a row. Read an interesting stat…Geno has not had a PP goal in 19 games…wtf geno. I noticed since the Philly game where Gangne scored two shorties he has been hesitant to slap it from the point…it’s like he is scared the shot is going to be blocked and create a breakaway.

they need to attack the zone tonight, have you noticed we take so long to get into the opposing zone on a powerplay. Geno likes to do circles in our zone before he rushes it, plus we need to shoot more.

we are going to get deeestroyed tonight guys sorry lol.

Nice hooking call on Malkin :jerkit:

they look like shit!! things need to be shaken up and we need to start trading people if we want to make playoffs… this is horrible…

no one wants to shoot on the pp!

hey shawn mayb you can get some of your shaler kids to show the pens how to play the game :slight_smile:

now, i call them like i see em even when the call is on the opposing team, but WHAT IN THE MOTHERFUCK GAME WHERE THE REF’S WATCHING TONIGHT??!?! that “hooking” call when geno didn’t even fucking touch the guy was the complete turn around of the game, had they not made that fucked up call we would have stayed on a roll, that just took the wind from our sails. and yet, again i may add, crosby gets hauled down NOWHERE NEAR THE PUCK not to mention this time it was a hook around his shoulders, 15 feet from the ref and NO CALL, staring right at it. that could have been 3 different calls, he opted for nothing. i can take a loss, but shit like this is ridiculous, i think the officiating needs to be closely monitored by some type of management, and fucked up calls like this need to be penalized by suspensions or fines, i can see one mistake but several there is no excuse for. and hal gill still sucks, hope he gets injured again.

ugh… i DVR’d this game last night. based on what you guys have said, i think i’m just going to delete it.

No one wants to shoot, period.

We did manage 34 shots on goal last night, but it sure didn’t seem like it.

And I am also trying to figure out where Geno got called for that trip, becuase I didn’t see anything.

how many would you like to see?

atleast 50. lol

we pass way to much on the pp, i would like to hear what they say during this player only meeting, also I wonder if its going to get out of hand of what orpik said about the “true colors” of guys coming out and therrian said about guys only worrying about personal points… I feel a trade coming!!!