Official 08-09 Penguins Thread

weak. i dont think we improved today.

the kunitz deal was the best move

x2. is Guerin really that much better than Satan?

shero fuckin sux, his best move was for Kunitz… but Bill Guerin are you serious!!! he won’t be good for us the best thing wil lbe he’s a vet and thats it! Fuckin wasted my trade day shero…

looks like i have to wait for free agency in july…

should have went after antropov…

good thing you weren’t working :smiley:

I think the Pens improved simply by not being overzealous. The Rangers hurt themselves. The Flyers I think made a move to try and get Bouwmeester and failed. The Islanders obviously did nothing but gave away their best player other than Mark Streit for nothing.

Buffalo keeps it together, picks up a G to hold the fort with Lalime till Miller gets back. Boston gets a playoff guy in the Recchin-Ball. Other than that, the East didn’t really go up.

Bill Guerin can’t really be any worse than what we have and we gave up basically nothing to get him. I’m not excited, but I’m happy that we didn’t overextend ourselves

Yeah I was shocked to see Staal stay…I would guess that something fell throuh b/c of the other teams asking price. I wonder if we have the cap room to bring Satan back up? If so then I guess this seasons trades were decent especially when you weigh in what bravada said.

i think satan would have to somehow clear a re-entry waiver, correct? if we could somehow retain him and use him the rest of the way, then that would be nice. if not, then i stick to my belief that we are not better, and possibly slightly worse than we were yesterday before satan was on waivers.

so how come shero’s live press conference isnt going. thin ktheres one more trade and hes waiting for it to be announced before he goes on?

I think it can go either way. I mean Satan looked invisible for a good portion of the season and played very soft. Seems like with the new coach he is playing pretty good…or is it another streak like he had early? Then you have to think if he played so bad maybe b/c of Therrien…but how we he play after being waived.

Then you have Guerin, who still can produce over 20 goals and plays a lot harder than Satan. You can argue that he will help more with his style of play.

Either way I don’t think it is a huge difference either way you view it. It would be sweet if Satan makes it back up then we should be sitting pretty good.

BTW…Carolina made some moves…they want in the playoffs!

He only has to clear Re-Entry if he is actually sent to the minors. The idea of putting him on waivers before the deadline was to 1) See if anyone was dumb enough to pick him up like Dallas did with Brendan Morrison and then 2) Give the Pens the knowledge of knowing they could send him down and remove that money from the cap if they were able to work a trade that was beneficial to them

Um, no.

And how can you say that Shero sucks? You wanted to trade Staal for Antropov around two weeks ago. With thinking like that you’re going to ascend to GM of the Pirates in no time!

I would rather have someone who will play hard (Guerin) than someone who doesn’t (Satan). The pens are finally trying to get some of the “grit” back that they lost with Armstrong, Malone, and Roberts.

It sucks we still have Staal on our team though.

Staal is a good commodity to have. He can play on any line. I’m surprised no one picked him up. Mayb when we made a new deal it scared people away.
But I’m glad he stayed cause I like him and hopefully he keeps his point streak. And yes if we had to trade him I would have liked st. Louis or antropov or afingenov or heatley for him. I think Guerin just wasn’t the best option out there. But then again I wasn’t the one takin calls and trying to move people like shero was today. If Guerin plays well then ill retrack any statements made and say I was wrong. And GM of the pirates wouldn’t be bad, sell everyone and blow up the stadium and build the hockey rink there!


Please, do a tad bit of research, watch a hockey game, something, just stop falling in love with guys who you happen to know their name. If Shero would try to trade Staal straight up for either of those not only would a) the other team take it in a heartbeat but b) Mario would immediately fire Shero and he would be busy being the GM of the Moose Jaw Musketeers 8 and 9 year old league.

Give me a break! I do my research and if you were to watch a hockey game maybe you would see how other people play, not just what you read on other websites, or what other people say. There are more talented players out there in the system that would work with the players we have. Let me guess because you play some pick up games of hockey you think you know all about it, or because you can read some stats and say oh this guy is good he would fit well with us.

heres my only gripe about Shero…while i loved the Hossa deal last year, i thought alot of how he handled the team after that was poor tho. i like the re-signings, for sure. but he let alot of guys go and the new signings werent enough to make us a cup contender in my opinion. fedotenko basically took malones roster spot, which was an obvious downgrade. then in theory satan replaces hossa. i know no one was expecting satan to play 2-way hockey like hossa or put up identical numbers, but we saw satans numbers last year and shero thought it was just a down year and overpaid the guy and he didnt do all that great (tho i still like him, just not as the hossa replacement guy to play alongside sid). in doing-so, he passed on guys like Naslund, even Jagr and a few other guys that i felt wouldve been decent…or even couldve traded. but instead our hossa replacement is sent through ahl waivers and we get nothing and we get another guy that is obviously not long-term and not much of an upgrade, if at all. if we were gona just go after a guerrin type, then we might aswell just signed shannahan at the start of the season, as he plays similar to guerrin. where is this 1st line winger at? if sid signs for less money, then i think it should be a priority to get him a guy to play alongside, for the long-haul. not this rental shit(guerrin) or a somewhat of a half-assed attempt(satan). i know its just not that easy, but i honestly dont think it was handled as good as it couldve been either.

Whats the story on AO? I heard on the X this morning he may have shattered his ankle… I cant find anything on it though.

#1 Staal for Antropov is retarded. Antropov is a UFA this summer so there is a gamble of resigning him. Yes he is big but he plays soft…and he went for a 2nd round pick. Would you let Staal go for a 2nd rounder?

I can agree with a lot of what you say. Yes he didn’t get some of the players you mentioned…but who knows how the offers went. Maybe he did offer but the liked NY’s offer better. But yes this offseason was not what the fans expected. As for Shero getting Geurrin, yes it is a “band-aid” fix for this season. I would rather have him than Satan b/c of the grit factor but he far from any long term solution. What I do give him credit for this season is he didn’t give up anything really. I mean Geurrin was supposed to get traded to the Caps for a lot more than a 4-5th rounder. So I give him props got getting a good player for nothing that can help if we get into the playoffs. I think he realizes this offseason is huge for him this year and he needs to get a wing for Sid. He started getting what we need with Kunitz and Tangradi and hopefully this offseason he gets a scoring winger for Sid.

he is in the line up for their game tonight… we’ll see what happens. if he is hurt, they’re sitting pretty for playoffs so he could pretty much sit on his ass for the rest of the season and the caps would be fine.

i think shero is a decent GM. i think craig patrick laid a lot of the ground work for their current roster and kind of got thrown under the bus before he really got a chance to enjoy it… but shero has done well since taking on the job. wish he could have kept hossa around though.

also nick, you wanted to trade staal for antropov. but antropov went for a draft pick… a SECOND round draft pick at that. so i can see why some people dont see eye to eye with you on that one.

and i still say that #71 is the top six winger you are looking for to play sniper on sid’s line.

smort, i know alot of ppl like mark madden would try to own you for sayin that, but i honestly dont think its a bad idea…but i dunno if thats something that can happen long term. not a bad idea tho.

bics, i know what u are sayin its just to me it seems like Shero has made mistakes and then just scrambles to make up for it. i honestly feel like yesterday that may have happened again. i cant see just dropping your ‘hossa replacement’ on waivers and then Guerin being that ‘big move’ you were looking for.

I relaize that antropov went for a 2nd rd pick, but before he got traded people thought he was going for more then that, like a one for one swap. If I would have known he was going for a draft pick , i wouldnt have said anything about trading staal for him.

Like i said before Im glad we got Guerin for a draft pick, and didnt have to trade anyone one for one. He was the captain of the NYI, granted they suck… but I mean how good of a player can you really be if you were the Captain and got traded for a draft pick. In my eyes that means you are kinda going down hill. But like I said I will be the first one to admit I was wrong if he plays well. Of course I will have to apologize after all of you post and give me shit :slight_smile: