Official 2011 nfl thread

As with NBA basketball (I’m New Yorks biggest Miami Heat fan but still follow the Knicks - and I’m a huge supporter of what Oklahoma Thunder is building - what a team), I’m a football fan first before I’m a Jets fan.

I’ll root for NY (doesn’t matter what team) before I root for anyone else. The added bonus tonight was that the Giants winning meant the Jets and Pats being tied.



  • rep,

but rodgers is the best qb in the game.

Big Ben? :rofl

Who else caught that moment when the Giants receiver got the pass in momentum, rotates to move forward just to be dropped to the ground as if he hit a solid wall from the Pat’s defender? :lol

Brady has a wonderful ability to do whatever he wants for 3 quarters of the game and then just complete a steam train unstoppable chain of plays the last quarter to get enough points to win.

Giants got lucky, especially with embarrassing fumbles they had. It didn’t help that Brady was on a personal vengetta against them as he didn’t want to lose at his own stadium nor was he happy about his mistakes earlier in the game.

on this note… 2 of the 3 quarter backs you mentioned are absolute garbage now a days. so again, as said before in different words, ill take pussy throws verse having a qb that drys up because of hits.

again ill state, not a giants fan at all!

but they deserve nothing takin away from them. they drove down the field at the end of the game and eli put up a CLUTCH touchdown. no matter what way you slice it, the giants got it done, and the patriots didnt.

it makes no sence to say the giants got lucky and brady made mistakes in the same sentence.

Should I mention that the same drive that he had the interception in the touchdown zone, the play or two before that he got delay of game penalty while being 5 yards from the TD? That’s amateur mistakes and quite painful to see. (Eli)

He melts under pressure, a good QB shouldnt ever make those two mistakes - penalty and interception when you’re in the scoring zone, on the same drive.

I’m not a fan of either team for the record, and hate Pats.

dude, melting under pressure… he threw a td pass at the end of the game to win. how is that melting under pressure?

i had a lot to drink during the games, but still, eli got it done. end of the game was a win and a clutch td. who cares about a pic previous in the game?

edit: the giants needed 7 to win… eli drove down the field and put up 7 to win. case closed. i hate eli, but the kid is CLUTCH! this is not the first game this year hes been clutch in to get the win.

Every action earlier in the game effects the final outcome.

If he scored that TD earlier instead of a pic, he wouldnt even have to do the clutch TD at the end.

im trying to pick up what your putting down…

but the final outcome was a win. :dunno :rofl

Outcome was a last second win which could have easily been a loss.

While it makes for a good game, it doesn’t make for a good QB, it’s better be 11 points ahead instead of 4 at the end.

but it didnt go the other way, dont take it away from eli because it COULD have been a loss.

He gets the win and it’s counted.

I will count against him his fuckups however.

Although I guess it’s better than the Raiders QB who got fired? :rofl

I was basically agreeing with you. I’ll take a dump pass or a throw away over a sack/hit any day of the week.

And Vov, I don’t really put much stake into what you have to say. Like Murrdog said earlier, do you know football?

Eli has been pretty clutch this year except for one or two moments. He’s hardly a ‘melt in high pressure situation’ QB. Even the announcer alluded to that fact when he was talking about Eli doin it all year in the 2 minute game. Yeah he’s thrown some picks, but he’s also made some crazy good plays and reads.

I think you have your QB’s mixed up.

Also, who’s the Raiders QB that got fired? You talkin bout Jason Campbell? He got HURT, not fired.

Also, Brady melted under pressure last year against the Jets in the playoffs. And Brady is a HOF as much as I hate to say it. It happens. Can’t win every game. Eli is a good QB. Definitely in the upper list of QB’s of this league. Not quite Elite, but definitely franchise caliber.

:rofl + rep for everything.

and i know what you were saying, i was just emphasizing it with the 2 of 3 statement.

eli has a qb rating of 102.1 and is currently ranked third in the league among qb’s. this is the year he wants to make a name for ELI manning, and not just the younger brother. and he is doing that… this game just goes back to show that eli has been one of the best 2 min drill qb’s period

rogers > manning. just saying.

Rogers > * (yes, even Peyton or Brady or Brees)

I think we can all agree on that.

So happy with how he’s handled coming in after favre off and on the field. I’m die hard packers so obviously I love favre, but rodgers is the real deal. None of that wondering if hell throw 4 interceptions today. With rodgers I know the pack has a legit shot to beat who ever they are playing.

Prob easier just to say best qb in the league lol