From what i remember from heat transfer, the thermal imaging cameras pick up the emisstivity givin off of everything. One way to avoid being picked up by it is to be at least a foot under water which you can only do for so long…lol
no, and they wouldn’t get millions from a jury, believe it or not NYS has some of the most strict rules when you’re talking about monies payable on wrongful death cases…they’d get millions from the police settlement b/c they don’t want to goto trial.
I guess people are out cutting their lawn like nothing is going on.:biglaugh:
Bucky’s legend would be snuffed out if he killed a regular citizen so maybe regular people are safe.(?)
Maybe plain clothes cops could drive lawn mowers into the woods and catch him.J/K
Yup, thats what the news is saying
funny you say that, as we were driving down there today we saw like 10+ people mowing their lawn, and i said the same thing! hahaha, crazy hicks…
only took 'em 4 or 5 months LOL
Is he alive?
OMG He surrendered!
Ralph Pussy Phillips.:biglaugh:
So much for his stupid legend.
I hope they send him a bill for this ish.
bye bye bucky
there saying he gave him self up!!! hahahahaha
he will be on death row, all alone…
NYS has not had anyone killed since they reinstated the death penalty over 25 years ago…maybe a good reason to have the first though!
He can use the express line!
Got you, you fucker!