*OFFICIAL* Buffalo Sabres 2007 Off-Season Thread


:lol: at espo thinking the leafs will make the playoffs


:ohnoes: :deadhorse:


:lol: at espo thinking the leafs will make the playoffs


did i say anything about the leafs? no i didnt but…
:lol: at officerk thinking the leafs wont make the playoffs.


Briere/Drury are both gone wtf!

[quote=“Big B,post:63,topic:30906"”]

Briere/Drury are both gone wtf!


This is what cracks me up about this situation and makes me realize why Buffalo has never won a national championship.


Buffalo offered Briere a five-year, $25 million deal on Wednesday evening that was immediately turned down by Pat Brisson, Briere’s agent.

The source also said Briere wanted to remain in Western New York to please his family and that could have been accomplished if the Sabres bumped their offer to $6 million per season. The Sabres did NOT make another offer to Briere and that’s when the former co-captain decided to pursue other options; options that eventually made him even richer.

Cant blame him if buffalo could not give one of their leading players an extra million per year. Esp. if you knew that you can lose either Drury and recover some money to pay him the extra million.

Also, I know a girl whos mom teachers Briere’s kid and when she spoke with him, he also said he wanted to stay in Buffalo. Darcy Regier basically gave Briere a slap in the face with this offer and this season the team will have to suffer for it.

but at the same time he is not worth the money that he is getting in philthy. Other than him being a really good hockey player I’m glad hes gone, he is a diving pusswad but i am really sad to se drury gone, he could have been signed earlier in the season but the sabres are reactive and never pro active.

the “hometown discount” should have been accepting the 5 mil/season offer, he’s getting 10 million this season, and then averaging 6.5 over the rest of the contract. they can have him for that much


the “hometown discount” should have been accepting the 5 mil/season offer, he’s getting 10 million this season, and then averaging 6.5 over the rest of the contract. they can have him for that much


For $10 mil the first season, I would play hockey in the north pole.

lol @ “hometown discount” being the 5/25 offer. The 5/25 offer was nothing but a slap in the face, and is the direct reason Drury broke off negotiations. After see how the organization treated a teammate Drury knew better than to continue wasting his time in Buffalo.

They should have offered Briere 5.5 for 5 years RIGHT AFTER THE PLAYOFFS! I think Briere would have countered with 6, and probably taken it had this been handled properly. Waiting until the last minute, then offering him well below market value was complete and total bullshit, and shows you what kind of an organization you have running the show.

I really can’t blame Drury for taking one look at the Briere mess and shutting down talks with Buffalo. When you hear things like, “We aren’t going to spend anywhere near the salary cap”, would you want to continue playing for Buffalo? They want Stanley Cup talent, at 8th seed prices. Hell, Drury signed for only slightly more than Buffalo offered him, and Quinn has said he wanted to match it but Drury wasn’t listening.

I think it will be very interesting to hear what Drury has to say in the coming days/weeks. I’d like to see some dirty laundry get aired out, but I’m afraid Drury is too much of a class act to do it.

im more sad to see drury leave then briere, i think NY is very lucky to have him

yea me too, drury will be a bigger loss than briere. i still can’t beleive they got drury AND gomez

i know it will never happen but for one game nobody should show up, show them that the fans are the ones they have to answer to not stockholders no fans = no money

without reading this entire thread…is there any word at all on Vanek yet? i really dont think that we’ll be able to afford him…but i still have hopes…

Also, i liked how on the news the other night, they made it all seem big and important in one of their sports headlines “the Sabres lock up a key player in a contract” and it turns out, that key player was Mair…wtf…2 goals, a few assists, and a shit load of penalty minutes, yeah, that’ll win playoffs series’

i think nylander went to edmonton… souray please!!

The source also said Briere wanted to remain in Western New York to please his family and that could have been accomplished if the Sabres bumped their offer to $6 million per season. The Sabres did NOT make another offer to Briere and that’s when the former co-captain decided to pursue other options; options that eventually made him even richer.
fucking TDOWN


i really dont think that we’ll be able to afford him…but i still have hopes…



explain your stupidity



explain your stupidity


if we’re not willing to give the captain or co-captain 5 mil a year, what makes you think we’ll offer more to Vanek? and do you really think somebody else won’t offer him something ridiculous?

we have roughly 25 million open in cap right now… he is priority number one… don’t be an idiot

and… fuck briere and drury… i’ll take this young team anyday…

stafford paille… hell yea… they are gonna kick ass

i also wanna see that Mike Ryan get more time this year…in the short time he played he seemed to be right at home and made some good plays from what i can remember…


if we’re not willing to give the captain or co-captain 5 mil a year, what makes you think we’ll offer more to Vanek? and do you really think somebody else won’t offer him something ridiculous?


What makes you think any teams will offer Vanek more than 5 million when he has ONE good season under his belt?


i’ll take this young team anyday…

stafford paille… hell yea… they are gonna kick ass


true, but i still would’ve rather seen them lead & taught by drury… rather then, say… afina. :bloated: