*OFFICIAL* Buffalo Sabres 2007 Off-Season Thread

are those the new forwards?

WTF. No formal announcement, just taking questions. WHAT THE FUCK!

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:122,topic:30906"”]

WTF. No formal announcement, just taking question. WHAT THE FUCK!


I think “WHAT THE FUCK” should be the first question.

WGR550… one step up from 2 cans and some string. Jesus, invest in a decent microphone.

^ word.

wow mine is lagging a lot behind your guys, i just got the No formal announcement


wow mine is lagging a lot behind your guys, i just got the No formal announcement


The internet feed is probably a bit behind the radio feed.

lol, i love how it’s getting hostile already.

I <3 Bucky. He’s giving them shit right now.


these fuckers are useless you can’t believe a thing they say…

Ehhh, I don’t really think anything they are saying is too far fetched.

After 10 years of this garbage Im convinced they don’t know dick about what they are doing and can’t plan for shit.

“If fans want refunds for their season tickets, will they be available?”

Where the hell is “OH SNAP.gif”. :slight_smile:


lol refunds on season tickets because the captains left? Gimme a break, what a useless question

HAHA the good old turnip truck reference

wow, just made some bold statements saying roy and vanek are back already…along with quote ALL OF OUR DEFENSEMEN ARE BACK

is there a minimum we need to spend on a team?


wow, just made some bold statements saying roy and vanek are back already…


damn you i didnt get to that part yet :walter:

btw, got a text right before they announced no formal announcement coming from my buddy saying simply

“Bad news, he signed somewhere else for less money”