*OFFICIAL* Buffalo Sabres 2007 Off-Season Thread

roy is not a factor, hes not someone they can count on…I do like the vanek comment though


“With all due respect, is it possible I know something you don’t?”


When this is over, I want cliffs. I caught the first 15 minutes.


btw, got a text right before they announced no formal announcement coming from my buddy saying simply

“Bad news, he signed somewhere else for less money”


who is he referring to?

hes being a fucking douche right now and all he’s told me since last night is that the signing would “make me the happiest person in buffalo”

that would have implied kariya, but he was saying it up until the conference today…so no fucking idea…i’ll see him this evening and beat it out of him or something…

he just said it again, “We’re going to have thomas vanek”

yadda yadda, we’re cheap, yadda yadda.

granted i don’t think briere or drury should have gotten as much as they wanted. but it is probably true that we could have had briere back last year or even in jan for 5-5.5 mill a year, and that would have def. helped convince drury to re-sign w/ us for a hometown discount…

good thing i didnt buy either of those jerseys… lol


yadda yadda, we’re cheap, yadda yadda.

granted i don’t think briere or drury should have gotten as much as they wanted. but it is probably true that we could have had briere back last year or even in jan for 5-5.5 mill a year, and that would have def. helped convince drury to re-sign w/ us for a hometown discount…

good thing i didnt buy either of those jerseys… lol


I think the lesson learned (hopefully) is to extend a players contract before they become UFA’s.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:149,topic:30906"”]

I think the lesson learned (hopefully) is to extend a players contract before they become RFA’s.


Thats hilarious, dud thats their move! They are gonna do it again.

Wait… what was that about a 2 legged horse? I started working again and kind of tuned out, but that caught my ear.

I’m guessing something like, “We’re gonna win like a 2 legged horse in the Kentucky Derby”.

gretzky comes out of retirement!!!

i dont know but they admitted they need to sign people early, WTF YA THINK! YOU STUPID FUCKS. I build comptuers for a living and i know that!

is this still going on?

nah it just ended

So, is it safe to say they told us absolutely nothing new, aside from the fact that Vanek will be a Sabre for at least this upcoming season?

Pretty big waste of time.

Darcy did come right out and say, “We’re going to be less competitive next year”.

Doesn’t get much clearer than your GM saying that.


Darcy did come right out and say, “We’re going to be less competitive next year”.


Was rather pissed about that

well that was worth signing up to listen