OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

One of my co-workers is under the fairy tale land impression that these guys all want to stay together and they’ll work out the salary thing to keep the team together.

Ya right. Mr, “I told the owner to do what was needed to keep the group together” Briere went to arbitration last year knowing full well the award he got would probably mean some people were leaving, like his buddy JP. Free agents will be looking for the big money contract next year regardless of what team writes the check. I fully expect to loose Briere, Drury or both to Philly.

But to give these guys credit, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing. A pro sports career can be over in one hit, especially with someone like Bettman running the show. Even if you make it through without some career ending injury your actual earning years are still pretty compressed compared to the regular 8-5ers like myself. I don’t make anywhere near 5 million a year, but the chances of me sitting here writing code and having some co-worker cross check me from behind into a wall, ending my career, are pretty slim. For the couple guys that might get a broadcast contract when they’re done 100’s simply disappear into alumni books. I’d want to make as much as possible as quickly as possible too.