OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


they need to stop this shit… i don’t know if my heart can take a season of this

Un fuckin real. Just like last year. way to go guys…

wow what a finish! i love hockey season!

ANYONE THAT LIVES ON campus at the university at buffalo…
email and bitch about that 10pm switch over… i’m IRRATE ABOUT IT

and have already emailed thme bitching up a storm about it


i just creamed myself

OMG what a game…

the definitly deserved to win that game outright…they had some bounces go their way, and smoe that didn’t and it cost them early.

Then they got the usual screw job by teh refs but over came!

Ugh the atmosphere was like another playoff game it was sick!!!


wow, those were both games i would have given almost anything to be at. its practically like were still in the playoffs. LOVE this team. they dont give up, they just want to win.

man i hate not seeing the game but i cought the end though; awsome!!!


stop writing what I’m thinking bastard. :stuck_out_tongue:

insane. can’t walk from a game.

pop: " I think they’re done."
me: “Not yet…”

Skunk: If you still need contacts outside of tampa for buffalo games and viewing, (casa di pizza in FL) PM me.

meanwhile, I’m gonna update my bayer 84 script :smiley:

shit gets deepah…


i found a place for now down the street called beef o brady’s. Good setup, but me and my friend were the only ones yelling LOL

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

let me know if you’re in, think you’ll find a more welcome crowd there. :tup: enjoy it either way.

good god, I’m already too into this season. and I’m starting to dig the new jerseys… help…

Caught the end…wowzers!



Its ok, a dark #30 is gonna have a new home :slight_smile:

They’ve def. grown on me, where i’m now willing to sacrifice having the logo, for the jersey lol.

Fucking awesome game!

My friend is a complete IDIOT though. I found out that he was at the game sitting in almost center ice 100 level seats. He LEFT WHEN IT WAS 4-2. I seriosuly almost stabbed him in the heart with a fork when he told me that. WTF dont you know who the fugg we are?? :bloated:

hahaha that SUCKS

awesome game :slight_smile:

anyone who leaves early isnt a loyal fan