OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


I’d be willing to bet that most hockey fans don’t even pay attention to the lines, just the big names like Briere and Miller.

Actually I think Vanek has played better on Briere’s line. I think he’s actually skating more then he did on the Max/Roy line. He’s going to get his points no matter what line he’s on. I was simply stating that I think there is more potential with Vanek that we haven’t seen yet. Is it laziness preventing him from being more? Or is it just missed opportunities?

briere on front of

some nice comments directed towards the sabres

Yeah Danny Briere All Star Game MVP!! 1 goal, 4 assists.


They gave me a set of keys, but i dont know if they are mine or what the catch is…lol

What did he get? I couldent pay attention i was at a metal show. BTW my bags are packed going to colombus tomorrow morning for the game.

All Star Game MVP…

You’re so metal. It reminds me of Amsterdam, Pennsylvania.

Have fun in Columbus.

I knew he won mvp i was wondering what russian was talking about the keys. And im so metal you can’t take it.

he won a truck i think.

dodge nitro

kinda weak but a free car is a free car.

Miller just ROBBED!!! nash …WOW

Is it me or is the quality of these broadcasts getting worse and worse?

wow this is going to be a dirty game

drury with #2

WTF… they look sloppy as hell now…

horrible 3rd…no way we should loose to a team like that.

Spaceks been out there lately

Go figure they are a dirty team now that Hitchcock took over

:tup: for drury :tdown: for the rest of the sabres. Shitty ending after a good 2nd period.Hopefully we reagin our momentum tomm against the islanders