OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


put him on the power play lol, thats what hes good at anyways.


Wow… you really don’t get it do you? It’s hockey. At any point any player may have to sprint to play defense. Have you even watched a Sabres game this year? You do realize that the defense (those are the guys that normally play near the blue line) quite often pinch (that’s when they come in from the blue line to play offensively). When they do this, a foward (the guys that play deep in the zone) have to cover the point (the point is the blue line). If that pinch fails, a foward becomes a defenseman when the opposing team breaks down the ice (the frozen water they play on).

If you have a sprained knee (the joint between his lower and upper leg), and it still doesn’t feel right, doing that sprint can just fuck it up more. If he can’t do sprints, he can’t play. Simple as that. Hopefully I explained it enough this time. :wink:

I have been a big sabres fan my whole life, I like hockery more than football. I am glad have had to great years. But I got to rant a little bit> i hate how last year tickets could be found easily, this year not quite so much. The sabres have one great run year, and its impossable to someone to see a game without paying out the ass. I mean, so many people ha ve jumped on the bandwagon its just sucks. I average about 10 games a year before this, I was a broke highschool/college kid and went when I had moeny. Now I am out of school, got areal job, and I can’t afford to see to many games this year. I went to 6 games, and average about $600 in tickets to do it, thats almost season ticket prices. Now they are saying I can’t even touch playoff tickets because the season ticket holders can get F*c)i$g extra. Come on that is BS. I am a loyal fan, and I think they should make them available to the general pubic. I know yea, they bought tickets for the season they should be allowed. But this is just BS. Now if I want to see a playoff game, it will cost me at least 2-300 for a ticket, then I am going there to spend more money. And I prob. won’t be getting season tickets next year due to the high demand. but aren’t there fans that watch every game just as loyal as the ones that go? It is getting to the point that a man could not ticket his kids if he wanted to. I have tried finding tickets to take my nephew, and at 100 a ticket, I can’t afford it.

Sorry end of rant and say what you want

You grew up in a small market town that constantly had trouble selling out games. Welcome to living in a market where they have no problem selling out.

Yeah, in a perfect work you should be able to flash your 20 year fan card and get the right to buy playoff tickets, but pro sports is a business. The perks like playoff tickets have to go to the people that supported the team by paying for the big season ticket package. I probably missed no more than 2 or 3 games this year, and I’ve been a big fan since moving here in 95. But no matter how many games I watch on TV the team wouldn’t be hear without the people buying the tickets, especially the season tickets.

Just be glad it’s as popular as it is, and that people are willing to buy the tickets, or the could quickly become the Las Vegas Sabres.


Wow… you really don’t get it do you? It’s hockey. At any point any player may have to sprint to play defense. Have you even watched a Sabres game this year? You do realize that the defense (those are the guys that normally play near the blue line) quite often pinch (that’s when they come in from the blue line to play offensively). When they do this, a foward (the guys that play deep in the zone) have to cover the point (the point is the blue line). If that pinch fails, a foward becomes a defenseman when the opposing team breaks down the ice (the frozen water they play on).

If you have a sprained knee (the joint between his lower and upper leg), and it still doesn’t feel right, doing that sprint can just fuck it up more. If he can’t do sprints, he can’t play. Simple as that. Hopefully I explained it enough this time. :wink:


ive actually been watching hockey my whole life and havent missed a game this year but allright .I obviously watch all the games because i always post on this thread before and after every game. It was a joke about putting kotalik in right now ,notice by the “lol” i said in the sentence.Its just taking for ever for him to come back and i really wanna see him show what hes made of in the play offs.

whats the word lately when all our guys come back and the goose is still out , ive heard were sending paille back and keeping stafford? i hope to god we do. Stafford will be the next wayne gretzky give him 3-5 years lol.for real tho the kid is amazing for a rookie


Stafford will be the next wayne gretzky give hime 2-3 years.


That comment alone, proves beyond ANY doubt, that:

understanding of hockey > you


That comment alone, proves beyond ANY doubt, that:

understanding of hockey > you



from my understanding i believe they are keeping both paille and stafford up. I think ruff is going to try to establish all 4 lines to be number 1 lines. Once everyone is healthy peters with sit obviously, and probably mair. When lydman comes back, if there are no slots on forward , paetsh will most likely give teppo a break and let him get some rest before the playoffs.

i dont like the idea of 4 number one lines. gotta have a g00n/grinder line. other wise teams will just push you around

Anyone catch lindy? Kotalik and Max are coming back on 4th line. Makes me lol cause it will be the most dominent 4th line in the NHL.


Anyone catch lindy? Kotalik and Max are coming back on 4th line. Makes me lol cause it will be the most dominent 4th line in the NHL.


damn lol any news on max yet? he should be praticing shooting soon.

max had x-rays yesterday… other than that… no other news

he called me today and was like “micah , had x ray in dur morning, good look”



i dont like the idea of 4 number one lines. gotta have a g00n/grinder line. other wise teams will just push you around


i heard paul hamilton address this same issue last night…what he was saying is that lindy would be able to change the lines up throughout a series if need be. For example, he if didnt like the way game one is going and feels the sabres were pushed around and out muscled, he can put in mair and peters as a 4th line and rough some people up. I like the idea of having 4 amazing lines, but with no one out there to throw some hart .hits it makes me worry. What i do like is that the sabres have that abilitly to adjust their lines to match any style series because of their depth




you’ll probably like this then :wink: when i was in atlanta at the game this past sunday, i was talking with an atlanta season ticket holder in front of me. wanna know how much his tickets are per game? $17. oh, and did i mention they even have a 400 level where tickets are $15/game for NON season ticket holders?


With Stafford’s waltz up the ice, I don’t want to forget that little backhand reverse number Derek pulled. Stafford’s this year’s Roy and Pominville - “whoa, where did this guy come from?”

Weird hearing “Ovechkin, over to Novotny…” :stuck_out_tongue: I would say it was probably just as weird as hearing “Zubrus leaves it for Briere” except I don’t know how many people in DC watched that game :biglaugh:


i dont like the idea of 4 number one lines. gotta have a g00n/grinder line. other wise teams will just push you around


On one hand, you are exactly right. On the other hand, can you imagine trying to skate with us for 3 periods?

good point there jeffy, but look at what happened last year to connally (sp).


good point there jeffy, but look at what happened last year to connally (sp).


1 guy does not 4 lines make.






go Drew!!!