OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread





The sleeping giant has awakened.

Friday, March 23, 2007.

Toronto Maple Leafs at Buffalo Sabres

14:30 to go in 3rd period: 4-1 Leafs.

End of 3rd: 5-4 Sabres.

Leafs = :cockblock

Sabres = :rofl:

Leafs playoff hopes = :nite:



Friday, March 23, 2007.

Toronto Maple Leafs at Buffalo Sabres

14:30 to go in 3rd period: 4-1 Leafs.

End of 3rd: 5-4 Sabres.

Leafs = :cockblock

Sabres = :rofl:

Leafs playoff hopes = :nite:



:lolham: :shoot: :2fingers: sabres fan shooting a leafs fans i thought that we where goners in taht game boy. put this way my heart is pumping so hard that it might burst!!!

blow leafs blow.











still feeling like this :slight_smile:

Wow, I am super pissed I couldnt watch this game, we were listening to it on the radio at work, and everyone was flipping out. Freakin bladez got to see all 5 goals scored basically right in front of his face! UGHHH lucky :rant:

that was a sick ending!!!

I just came back from the game and all I can say is holy shit.

Blow Leafs Blow!

Most amazing game I have been to in a LONG while!!! I was sitting right behind raycroft for the 1st and 3rd periods 15 rows up. Got to see the sabres turn him into swiss cheese all 5 times!@!3$% It was so freakin loud in the arena like a playoff game, lol. My voice is absolutely destroyed and my hands are definately going to be bruised from the 9283479238429489237 high fives from everyone around us tonight!

leafs fans were frowning when they left today.

so…anyone want to buy some playoff tickets?

Just got back. F’n awesome. I was surrounded by leaf fansa and i crammed it down their throats when we won.

DREW FUCKING STAFFORD !!!, is he ever gonna stop?? i think not. The roy vanek and stafford is unstoppable and on fire .Awesome win ,i def. did not expect that at all.What a game , tomm night will be intense, the leafs will be frustrated from tonights game and trying to hold on to the inch of rope left that they haveholding them in play off possibility range. all i can say is what a game.Big :tup: to everyone of our guys out there tonight.

ha my dad went to a benifit for some guy maybe a few nights ago and met most of the sabres players thats ballerr status

so yea, not to toot a horn or anything, but as soon as vanek scored our 2nd goal, i blatantly proclaimed we were winning this game

so how many times do i have to say it. the sabres won this game playing approx 14 minutes of hockey in this game. so for those 14 minutes, we were either THAT GOOD or the leafs are THAT BAD, or possibly both :stuck_out_tongue:

but seriously, i fucking SHUDDER to think what damage this team could do if they knew how to play 60 fucking minutes of hockey…b/c i sure as fuck haven’t seen it yet this season…