OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

wow nice move vanek

wow this is almost like the capitals game where they scored all those goals in the first period

5 goals on 10 shots with 2 sh goals


this is the shit im talking about where a team relies on a goalie and gets FUCKED when they go down

lol @ briere throwing punches

ROFL @ Razor’s poke at Miro Satan! :rofl:


ROFL @ Razor’s poke at Miro Satan! :rofl:


“one of his many worthless goals”

I lol’d as well.


“one of his many worthless goals”

I lol’d as well.


Yeah sounds like they have a history.

My daughter has watched two Sabres games now, and they’ve won both. It’s hard when she’s sleeping in my arms and they score and I’m dying to “SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE” but can’t.

When the playoffs start my wife has already told me I’m not allowed to hold her for fear of tossing her when they score. :lol:

^ lol in before jay spikes his daughter like a football if we win game 7 of the stanley cup :biglaugh:

i was there tonight, had bitchin seats and got a great view of the 5 goals in the first, it was fucking awesome. :tup: x 9863393543769

Wanted that Montreal win.

jayS’s daughter FTW lucky charm

Conks starting in goal tonight

ugh, killing the beers everytime the sabres scored a goal was a horrible idea. I had to of pissed like 15 times. That made for a long 1st period… lol


Conks starting in goal tonight


I figured he’d get the start for one of these games.

Any word on Max?

► 03.31.2007: For the first time since his injury, Max worked on stickhandling and shooting at today’s gameday skate.


Any word on Max?


They said he just started using his stick and shooting lightly.


► 03.31.2007: For the first time since his injury, Max worked on stickhandling and shooting at today’s gameday skate.


so thats a no for playing then i guess. I htink he tied his personal record this year for goals, i hope he gets back soon cause this could have been a ccareer season for him.

Max’s injury has been proven to be a very, very bad one for gifted stick handlers. It would suck balls, but it might be a better idea for him to just sit out with connolly for the rest of the season. The Sabres have these guys for a couple more years, might as well keep them healthy.

Tonights game should be a good one. Conklin is back in net and Montreal still has Halat (SP?) playing for them. They are coming off of a 5-2 loss against Ottawa, Sabres are coming into tonights game with a nice win last night.

I’m predicting a 5-4 ot win. Not sure who gets it though.

ya hopefully the sabres dont come out and score 5 goals again and then kinda lay back a little… 18 mins to game time!!!

So um… yeah… Miller better say healthy during the playoffs.