OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread




I know, right?

Hey buuuuuddy. How you doin?

And :meh:

ok that fucking sucks

did you see that f’n puck…it bouncing low and its 2nd bounce was high over millers pad =(


that is all.

Ouch. :frowning: Goooood night.



If you can’t score on the power play, you don’t deserve to be in the playoffs. End of story.

87% of teams that go up 2-0 win the series. Dug ourselves into one monster hole now.

Can we finally stop putting Tim C on the fucking point on the power play?

Lindy, you don’t deserve the Jack Adams this year. You’ve had all year to fix the powerplay, you haven’t done it, and ultimately that falls on the coach.

we still outplayed them for a majority of the game, miller let in a softie, his usual one per game…lol

Sabres won’t win. Buffalo doesn’t bring home trophies(sp?)…

The Sabres gave that game away. They controlled the first period, and did everything right. They threw everything at the net, and look, they scored 2 goals that counted off it.

Second period, they vanished. No forecheck, no pressure, lots of give-aways and poor passes, and very few shots. Ottawa made them pay. Also, there NEEDS to be more committment to some sort of physical play. I understand the Senators are a larger team, but still, the effort to go hard in the corners was not there for the second half of the game.

AS for officiating, the Sens 2-man advantage was from 2 VERY questionable calls. Also, when did the NHL take Boarding out of the rule book?!?!? I saw Three seperate instances of boarding this game that went un-called. Once on Campbell, where he was hit behind the Buffalo net in a prone poisiton from behind about 2 feet away from the board. Luckily he avoided any injury. I don’t recall who was the 2nd, but the 3rd was the one on Tallinder? I understand the one ref was down low, and likely couldn’t see it, but where was the other ref?

Alfredsson should be suspended for that hit, but you can be damn sure that nothing will come of it and the NHL will sweep it under the rug as no serious injury occurred and no penalty was called on the ice.

Enough of the excuses though. The Sabres did not play a full game of sound, solid hockey, and that is why they are 0-2 in this series. I’ve said it before, but I have not felt the same about our chances this post-season run as I did last year. I don’t have the same confidence. I don’t see the desperation of guys diving headfirst in front of shots to block them. I don’t see full games of 100% effort. I don’t see them going for the neck on shorthanded situations like they did last year.

Very frustrated. I still have hope. But I am frustrated.

i still predict we win the next three. then lose game 6. then take it in 7. you heard it here first.


i still predict we win the next three. then lose game 6. then take it in 7. you heard it here first.


wanna wager $ on that?

I dont want to hear any excuse for anything.

The powerplay = worst in the fucking playoffs


0 for almost 85min of hockey.

They are not playing inspired for 60 min.

Ottawa is beating them all over and winning battles.

Emery is bullshit and they still cant beat him…GET THE FUCKING PUCK ON NET…He gives up rebounds ALL FUCKING DAY.

Do NOT hop off the bandwagon just yet.

A couple bounces and the Sabres are even or leading the series.

They havent played solid at all in the playoffs yet and if they can get their shit together…GAME FUCKING ON.

Holy Shit Briere stays out of the box for an entire game.

Good things on the horizon.

Sabes in 6.

i’m not even touching this tonight

im that upset :frowning:

Yea…this is a tad disheartening…but we can still do this.


i’m not even touching this tonight

im that upset :frowning:


Right there with ya.



wanna wager $ on that?


5 million bajillion dollars.

ugh ottawa is going to tough at home i dont know about this one, both games they have played bad except for the first period today