OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

:frowning: that loss hurt today :frowning:


iā€™m not even touching this tonight

im that upset :frowning:



Iā€™m just frustrated that such a talented good team, can be playing so mediocre for the majority of the games this post-season.

And the really frsutrating part is that despite playing mediocre, they have yet to be blown away, which unfortunately hasnā€™t happened.

Emery looked so shakey last night but they couldnā€™t put enough pucks at him.

I was blown away by how many times a defenseman would give the puck away.

The power play is going to do them in here guys. Hate to be a naysayer, but you canā€™t have that many chances, and not get any shots on goal, let alone score goals.

Miller has been playing really really well but there is only so much that he can do.

i would like to know what happens to them when they go into that locker room after a good period like the first. it just blows my mind how they can change like that, they were taking over the game and then stopped

i got my broom and dustpan ready for the sabres :bloated:


I think they only have ~2 maybe 3 games left of winning this yearā€¦ If that.




iā€™m not even touching this tonight

im that upset :frowning:



No kidding.

Words fail me right now.

Itā€™s not the end - but you can see if from here. They have GOT to stop giving up fucking turnovers, I feel like Iā€™m watching mid-'03 Travis Henry here. :bloated:

outlet passes from defensemen are tape to tapeā€¦ right to sens forwards.

kalinen or spacek should be sat down for paetchā€¦ spacek has done close to nothing, and kalinen is literally serving up scoring chances on a silver platter. no good.

very disheartening to see us dominate the first 15 minutes and then snooze for the next 40. there is too much talent and too much grit on this team for them to play like this. where is the desparation we saw last year? they played every game like it was their lastā€¦

no bandwagon jumping for me, but things look pretty bleak. all you can do is take things one game at a time. win next game and we are only down one. then who knows from there.

go sabs.


The power play is going to do them in here guys. Hate to be a naysayer, but you canā€™t have that many chances, and not get any shots on goal, let alone score goals.


You of course mean, no PPGs other than Vanekā€™s last night.

Fucking NHLā€¦


You of course mean, no PPGs other than Vanekā€™s last night.

Fucking NHLā€¦


Ooooh boy. Donā€™t get me started. Mr. Trinitron almost met Mr. India Pale Ale at high speed after that butchery.


Itā€™s not quite the end, but things really donā€™t look good.

I agree with Eclipsedā€¦

Spacek has been essentially worthless. He has the body to play physical, and has a great shot, and we have seen neither of that in this series.

And, I donā€™t see the same desperation or drive as I did out of them last year. They arenā€™t diving headfirst in front of shots to block them, or making desperate, heroic clears on the penalty kill to get the puck out of the zone at any cost. They arenā€™t goingfor the neck o the penalty kill when the opportunity arises. They arenā€™t driving hard to the corners to fight and win the individual battles down low. They seem to want to play too much pretty hockey, and dare I say it, but they look like a team that scoring was too easy for during the regular season,and theyā€™ve been coasting through thus far.

Guys, that was the right calling taking back Vanekā€™s goal. Iā€™m not sure what replay you were watching, but two views clearly showed the puck going off his glove, with the glove clearing moving forward toward the net.

Regardless, even if it counts, 1 for 18 still gets you bounced from the playoffs.

A agree with benching Spacek. Heā€™s done absolultely nothing but take the occasional stupid penalty. Maybe Paetch on + another defenseman on the point could get the PP going. I sure donā€™t want to see Timmy C there anymore. Heā€™s terrible on the point, and with hands like his he needs to be to the left or right of the net.

I agree. Timmy shouldnā€™t be a point man on a Power Play. He has the vision, but he doesnā€™t have the shot needed of a point man.


Guys, that was the right calling taking back Vanekā€™s goal. Iā€™m not sure what replay you were watching, but two views clearly showed the puck going off his glove, with the glove clearing moving forward toward the net.


actually, the ruling is very vague on this point. since the puck glaned off of the senator AND vanek was swinging his stick, NOT punching the puck in the net, in theory it should still count as he was swinging his stickā€¦

I never saw it hit a Senator. I donā€™t have the video to look at now, but I know it was coming in almost parallel with the goal line, hit Vaneks glove, made a 90 degree turn, and went in the net. Yeah, Vanek was TRYING to get his stick on it, but the fact is he didnā€™t. He got his glove on it.


actually, the ruling is very vague on this point. since the puck glaned off of the senator AND vanek was swinging his stick, NOT punching the puck in the net, in theory it should still count as he was swinging his stickā€¦


unfortunatly the rules state no matter where it hits on the hand, intentional or not, it does not count.

weather it goes in accidentally or punched in.

shitty rule, they should change that to the skate rule

the point is there is no specific rule towards gloving a puck in, the extent of the rules say:

edit found it


Iā€™m going with the fact that they made the motion hi hand made when he was swinging his stick to be the equivilant of batting the puck.

Iā€™m still at a loss for words from last night, but I canā€™t understand why theyā€™d allow pominvilles goal in game 1 against the Rangers, but Vaneks goal was overruled.

Oh well, that is not why they lost. They lost because they stopped playing for 39 minutes and 54.2 seconds after the 1st period.