OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

this is true^^


tied it up thx to pominville!


woot woot. the play by play on is a little slow and not too exciting but lets go sabres!!

That was a hell of a save by Biron on the Straka one timer.

And his new helmet scheme is just dandy. Suprised no one pointed it out.




Yeahhhhhh, nice comeback again.

That was a great play to basically one time it off kicking the errant pass to himself.

Weekes didn’t have a chance on that shot.



Why did I have a feeling that was going to happen?


gooo new guy from rochester …!!! i heart the sabres

i am not gonna complain about a win, but this comback type team shit has got to go.
D was weak again. our forecheck started out strong and then trailed later in the game, and we are having some trouble finding the back of the net as of late.

Biron held his own. only one goal i think was really preventable…still not miller level yet though.

and to those who get their panties in a wad with my criticism…save it cuz even though we have had a great start this season there are definite points that we still need work on and just now teams are learning to exploit them i.e. heavy forecheck and bringing a more physical game than we do. which is fine, i am not saying we suck, read it as i am even more exited for being so in synch yet still having room to improve.

good game, cant wait to see hwo we play against flordias somewhat strong offense even though their schedule doesnt reflect it.

ya, we need to get the forecheck in order to put some pressure on. it’s times like that, that d and goalies make mistakes, and we can score. also, we all know more shots on net means more scoring opportunities lol

d has also been weak, but i’ve talked about that before

also, i hope tallinder and maxi aren’t out crazy long. i’m glad briere is such a strong player though, taking care of things while maxim is out (he does so anyway, but affinigenov is the type of player to get things moving, and briere is just a solid well orchestrated player. today he did what was necessary to put things together and get us back on the up)

went to the bills game today they won watched the sabers game they one im happy really could care less bout the bills thou but sabers pulled it together in the end and it was sweet

man hopefully they can get their act together friday for the first 2 periods this time so we dont have to make another comeback and go into over time again.

yes well said even thou we won it was stressfull and they can play much better

I heart Briere :slight_smile:

I wonder what teams are thinking when they go into the third period and have a 2 goal lead on us? Do they just give up and say 'hey, they are gonna come back and win, whats the point in really trying" This is just getting rediculous…

They played a much better game tonight, coverage in their own end is still pretty weak, and most of this is on the defenses end…

now what the heck am I supposed to do for hte next 5 days with no hockey, blah…

lol why can’t some of you just be happy that we are winning :stuck_out_tongue: for the most part whenever it was 5 on 5 i thought we outplayed them, but we got into penalty trouble at the end of the first / thru the 2nd period … 3rd we finally got to actually pressure them instead of killing penalties and we got the win. plus we came back like that without max, which everyone was afraid we wouldn’t be able to do as easily anymore once they heard he was out for a few weeks.