~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~

you can tell why those guys are in rochester when u see them play… im not saying there the worst but they need more experience… we need more defense…

No matter how bad your D is, 0 goals isn’t going to win you ANY games.

This is all newman’s fault for going and spreading the jinx with him… Sabres looked horrible. Shots on goal were misleading as only a few were quality, the rest were shit.

From section 113, this is what I saw…

Horrible passing. I have not seen passing that bad, for that long, at any point this past season. There were far too many passes to noone, or nowhere near the right place. The disturbing part was that it was coming from everywhere and everyone.

And then the passes that were on the tape, the reciever of the pass had NO hands and was losing control on the reception. Perfect example was Max’s first period break, he was sent a pass, woulda been walking in all alone on Gerber, beautiful pass right on the tape, but he fucked the reciept and the puck careened into the corner and then our PATHETIC excuse for a forecheck tonight lost the puck and it turned into a smooth breakout for Carolina.

The PP was an abomination. Horrible ice vision, and again back to the poor passing and poor forechecking. Also, there was hesitation form everyone on taking the shot. There were so many times when they’d have the puck back on the blue line, recieve a quick pass, have a clear lane, and a good shot opportunity, but they would hesitate, hold the shot, then opt not to shoot, try to make an impossible pass, and lose it down the ice. This actually happened a fair amount during even strength play too.

And to continue ranting about the shooting, the majority of those 20 plus shots were hamrless wristers from out near the blue line. There were few real solid dangerous shots.

Carolina played a good game. Not trying to belittle the effort they put forth. But Buffalo really turned the safety off the gun, and held it to their own chin with their passing, and forecheck.

:word: man. I saw the same thing from 321. Very frustrating game to watch though I was still glad to be there. Hopefully we can turn it up for game 5! Gerber did make some nice sves though.

The game sucked. We didn’t deserve anything that game.

With that said. Holy shit where were the refs? It wouldn’t have won us the game but hell, call the shit that happens right in front of you!!

Oh… and to the people that are all of a sudden off the wagon again… “Well, they had a good season.” “TO bad it has to end like this.”… SHUT THE FUCK UP AND PUT A LITTLE FAITH IN THE TEAM THAT YOU ALL FANS OF AND LOVE SO GREAT WHEN WE ARE WINNING!

That pisses me off more than anything.

I’m done.

mcgoo fucking hates buffalo, no argument can be made to say thats not the case…we got fucked with a lack of calls with him in game 2 and tonight in game 4

THAT BEING SAID, its not like we could do a fucking thing on the power(less) play tonight anyways. SERIOUSLY though, it should have been 3-0 buffalo by the time carolina got their first shot on net, but gerber stood on his head like a champ…aside from the shutout, he definitely was the #1 star of the game

we passed like shit, we shot like shit, we couldnt break out of our own zone, players had ZERO chemistry after the first carolina goal, and we altogether looked INCREDIBLY unsure of ourselves, and carolina pounced all over us.

anyone notice by the end of the 2nd, pominville was back playing D and janik was nowhere to be found??? sign of things to come methinks. ALSO, mair is now cleared to play…watch them bench janik, drop down pominville to d, and bring mair in to fill his center spot on the fourth line…that would be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet. would be even better if teppo was back for five, leave pominville up and drop novotny out to make room for mair. novotny is making a few too many rookie mistakes giving carolina odd man rushes :tdown:

that being said, we were tied 2-2 after 4 games in the philly series, so no worries yet…just need to steal game 5 and i think we’re set to face edmonton :slight_smile:

jillson: -3 :tif:

janik: 10 minutes of ice time = lowest on the team

3 defensemen over 20 minutes each = :tdown:

God we need some defense back… but then again our offense needs timmy c… and that’s not going to happen.

Luckily the series is only tied 2 - 2. We aren’t playing from behind. I know we have less defensive players but don’t forget the Philly series. They tied it… then we won.

I still think they can get it done, but what really scares me is that minus 3 rating for Jillson.

The defense was bad but not as bad as the offense. Everyone knew they were going to have to step it up big time and put alot of goals on the board early. That didnt happen. :tdown: to the refs but they didnt cost the sabres the game. 2-2 aint shit. Sabres, FUCK YEAH!!!

Passing sucked, offense sucked. Too much passing and hesitation. No puck control. 2 defensive deflections were goals. They looked like they deflated after the first Carolina goal and just stopped skating.

a little o/t, does anyone have an MP3 of the new “we’re gonna win that cup” that larry norton did?

on thier webpage (of the studio who produced it) it says that they took it down because of complaints from the family of the o4rigional author :tdown:

Sabres’ Numminen expects to return for Game 5 (espn.com)

BUFFALO, N.Y. – Injured Sabres defenseman Teppo Numminen expects to return for Game 5 on Sunday against the Carolina Hurricanes in the Eastern Conference final.

Numminen was hopeful after spending 30 minutes skating Saturday, saying it was his strongest session since hurting his groin in the first period of Game 1 of the series May 20.

“It’s the first time the leg feels strong, I could kick with it. Yeah, it feels better,” Numminen said.

“We’re getting closer,” Numminen said. “We just have to see how it reacts now and hopefully it gets even better.”

Numminen’s return would be a welcome one for the Sabres, who were down three regular defenseman in a 4-0 loss to Carolina on Friday. The win allowed the Hurricanes to even the series at 2.

Besides Numminen, who has been Buffalo’s most reliable defenseman, the team is also down Henrik Tallinder, who’s out for the playoffs after breaking his left arm in Game 3 on Wednesday, and Dmitri Kalinin, who is still a week to 10 days away because of an ankle injury.

The news isn’t as good for center Tim Connolly, who’s missed seven games with a concussion. Coach Lindy Ruff said Saturday he doesn’t expect Connolly to play against Carolina.

That’s a switch after Ruff said before the start of the series that he anticipated the play-making center would make his return in the East final.

Numminen is a 17-year NHL veteran, who is noted for his efficient play and adept at setting up the Sabres’ transition style.


fuck yeah :tup:

Bring back numminen and mair, pominville on D, janik and jillson sit.

He better return, or its over. Please let us win god.


lets jsut hope he is close to 100%. Because we really need him

:tup: to Numminen coming back soon.
:tdown: to Connolly missing the rest of the series.