~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~


Dear Mr. hitchcock and the whole Philadelphia Flyers organization,

First off, I would like to thank you guys for proving a point to the whole entire hockey nation. You took a perfectly clean hit, that was perhaps one of the better open ice hits ever, and got all bent out of shape about it. And you’re response is to be cheap and dirty? Oh but I forgot. It is the Sabres and their fans that are classless.

You guys going for the intimidation route? If so, it’s not going to work. I think our goals, and the prospect of sweeping your hack of a team under the rug and off the face of the 2006 playoffs is far more intimidating.

Afterall, goals mean more than PIM’s.

And Mr Hitchcock, I AGAIN want to thank you for reaffirming that you’re organization lacks any sort of pride or class. You and your whole organization are the laughing stock of the NHL right now. Not too certain how a team like yours managed to finish the season in 5th place. But it is incredibly clear that you and yor team dn’t belong in the post-season.

Steve Clark

You should seriously write that… lol


Hitchcock took one more question before abruptly leaving the podium. On his way out, he used two profanities in muttering aloud that Ruff should mind his own business.

“Tell Lindy to [expletive] off, to mind his own [expletive] business.”

I love it!!! :lol:


what a crazy game. total meltdown. can’t wait to see the idiot psycho philly fans go apeshit on wednesday.

any more animated gifs today? I NEED to see echte (sp?) go bananas, where he’s looking back and forth all pissed off. dvr is a beautiful thing - we pulled the old simpson references out last night: “and here, you can actually see the point where his heart breaks” :rofl:

ugh…hitchcock is such a fucking bitch

LOL…i am bored at work…so i decided to look at some flyer forums…

the comments are just hilarious…:lol:

yeah flyer fans cant just take an ass whoppin, they gotta make excuses, pretty sad actually.

captain kangaroo was pissed tho, lol, fat bitch left the podium

just read one that said the hit on vanek was vanek’s fault. :poke: okay.

Did you guys notice that on JP’s hat trick they showed the philly goalie, i think it was still echt, and in front of him was a philly hat on the ice!! I ROFLD when i watched it again, and again and again.

lol I was at that end. it was a philly hard hat and when it hit the ice it bounced a few times and then slid to a stop. everyone in my section was pointing and laughing.

anyone see that replay of one of the flyers from the scrum by the benches when the philly goalie game over. Looked like on the flyers tried to kick at our bench…lame

what a bunch of bitches:tdown:

^^ yea…i think the skate hit grier in the chest…that was close

anyone have a link? i didnt see it, but i heard about it.

I haven’t been able to find a video but it was as he was bending down his back leg kicked straight up and grazed his chest.

I have it on the DVR. It was a cheap bitch move. Great game though!! One of the best games I have ever gone to!!!

I went and inquired about game 5 tickets, only single seats left. Poop. I asked about game 7 and thats not on sale. Not like its gonna make it that far. We’ll be lucky to see us win it on home ice! I think its over in four!!

So I was just looking over the sabres stats…

They have won 9 out of their last 10
7 wins in a row
and out scored the opponents 44 / 19 in those 10 games :tup:

OLN just inked a deal with Dish Network. Yaaaay!! No more mooching off friends for me!!!

stealth dont you mean out scored?

anyways, they definitely are not playing like the have no playoff experience. I heard it a million times during interviews saying “they just wanna go out and play.”
