Official Fitness/Lifting/Food/Bodybuilding thread.

This is why I wont arm wrestle, not for the faint lol

That gorilla tore the muscle and broke blood vessels in my left arm then tore my elbow ligaments in my right arm. After a trip to the ER, an X ray and a month without using my arm, Its pretty much healed and I can pull and do whatever now. It gets sore after pulling because I’m old and weak but my arm is still attached =]

Game on.

Joel where is the vid of Dakota beating you rights? Be fair

That’s actually what I love about it. It’s a no-nonsense, old school gym. I sign up for as many months as I want with no contract and lift some heavy shit. There are definitely annoying personalities, but nowhere near as many idiots as other places I’ve trained.

I will say, they definitely aren’t hip. They don’t care though, and I love that.

My favorite gym was catalyst in west seneca, used to be south towns fitness, its on seneca near harlem.

Had everything i needed, except one or two more squat racks would be good. Left it because it got really crowded, no parking.

Now im at LA fitness hamburg, and theres a lot of big dudes lol, and everyone kinda talks to each other and are friendly, althoughi generally keep to myself, i like to keep rest periods consistent and not super long. I just started going back to help my gf with spots. Im not putting in 100%, but hopefully muscle memory will bring me close to what i looked like previously as long as i eat decently.

Im not pushing myself hard, because im not going to be eating 100% correct, and my body isnt used to working out since i just started again.

It sucks crawling around under my car when youre sore lol

It’s true that you will experience pain like no other, but I’d recommend everyone to at least try it. Some people are just gifted naturally and can take to it really quickly. You won’t know if you don’t try. For example, I went into this tournament not knowing anything at all. I had never arm wrestled before. I just stopped at Choda’s a few weeks earlier to do some warm-up pulls to see what the hell I was getting myself into. He stomped me right handed, and then he showed me a few tweaks on my form. We went left handed and I did substantially better :wink: . On the day of the tournament I pulled Dakota right handed and he beat me. Then we went lefty, and it was game-on. For some weird reason I have a better “feeling” in my left arm, even though I am right handed. In the gym I can’t curl as much with my left arm, but on the table I’m stronger lefty. I have no idea why, but I’m going to roll with it. It’s not about arm strength. It’s important to have arm strength, but genetics and form are equally as important. You won’t know if you are good at it, unless you try it.

It’s not on youtube, just on my wall on fb. It’s on my girls’ phone.

Who has used a slingshot for their bench?

How much did it help?

What poundages did it add?

Any downsides? Uncomfortable?

Are you trying to be stronger or bigger?

I feel like a slingshot is for powerlifting.


I’m hearing conflicting reports about how much they help. Some guys say it adds 20lbs, others say 60lbs. It’s only $55 so it’s worth a shot.

I see dudes using them at the gym all the time - idk man…i wouldn’t… Unless i had a bad shoulder thing I was trying to work on.
it mainly just keeps your form tight so you don’t flail your arms out like a chicken…other than that, it helps you bounce the bar off your chest? thats not for me

no one at your gym brings one you can try?

For me, i have no interest in 1 rep max of any exercise, not worth the risk of potentially injurying yourself, putting yourself out of work.

I mean the fact that the slingshot makes you able to lift more weight, that weight isnt really weight your able to lift on your own anyways so unless your a powerlifter competing then whats the point.

Just be patient and be on top of your nutrition and sleep and it will come slowly, at least you have strength if you believe youre a hard gainer because for me, im not strong nor do i get big at all.

alright, looking for some guidance here. I live and eat pretty damn healthy, but I’m a total noob for like weight loss/lifting/body building stuff.

Due to a dental procedure I am on a NO solid foods diet for a minimum of the next 30 days. I can pretty much only eat things that can be consumed with NO chewing. I will also be trying to cut out/minimize the amount of processed sugars and stuff as i can.

I got a bunch of Meal replacer powders/shake stuff to try and get as much of my nutrients as I can.

Any tips for how i can use this temporary diet and meal replacer/protein shakes to my advantage to hopefully drop a bunch of weight and maybe build some muscle.

I’m fairly active, I am a member of a gym so I can go work out (more) if that will help. most of my exercise is bike riding(bmx), some running and walking during the summer. More gym time is not out of the question if it will help.

I appreciate any input you guys can provide.

It’s not about the bounce. It’s basically designed to give you a little momentum. Essentially a tiny spot right at the bottom. It’s perfect for guys who can get the weight off of their chest (like me) but then get stuck a few inches up. Once the bar is 4" above your chest it offers no help. Allows you to feel the heavy weight and shock your system.

I’m totally a hardgainer. My body fights me every step of the way once I get up around 200-205. It took years and years to get to where I am. I’m an old dude.

Without being able to chew, you are going to drop a ton of weight whether you want to or not. As far as building muscle you need to hit the gym and hit the weights. Your body won’t add a single ounce of muscle unless your body feels that it NEEDS to. All you need to remember is that gym time is simply the stimulus. You punish your body in the gym, and then hopefully your body responds. It draws nutrients from the bloodstream and goes about rebuilding itself stronger. The constant punishment is what triggers your body to adapt. You grow when you sleep and are at rest.

sounds like the weight loss part may take care of itself. Will make more effort to hit the gym

can you blend up some pizza to drink?

i would get some of the greens powder - that cocoa flavored superfood stuff. and some different flavor protein powders for variety since you’ll be drinking the F out of them. lift what you can and keep your liquid food intake up to at least maintain whatever it is you might have for the time being - you won’t be making any great gains during this time like stated above - its a time to just try and stay healthy…and have diarrhea.

can you have oatmeal with protein powder or peanut butter in it? cottage cheese maybe? yogurt? idk. not a big dairy guy but at least you’re getting nutrients from real food rather than powders.

i did conaider a pizza smoothie

I’m not looking to make huge gains, just want to minimize any muscle loss. Totally ok with fat loss.

ive been vegan for 11 years so any dairy is completely out of the question.

the stuff I’ve been taking is called “raw meal” and seems to have everything I need in it which is good. I’ll be adding bananas other fruits and veggies into it to them as well.

this morning was a chocolate shake with banana coffee and chia seeds


will def not minimize muscle loss.

Which is why I’m reaching out to see who I can try to work this to try to minimize muscle loss. I’m not concerned with gaining a ton, just don’t want to lose a ton

tried a 1 arm deadlift the other day for the first time, quit at 315. will get 405 by end of month, its so awkward. anyone see bradley martyn do it? wtf

I picked up a slingshot a week ago. I’ve only used it twice and both workouts sucked due to prior injuries/soreness. Has anyone else tried a slingshot? Results?

before my sling shot got stolen I was pressing 375max and 405x2 with the sling shot. I liked it because it gave me practice at suspending the load and working on a good slow negative. id never brag about a max with slingshot. its a tool like anything else.