Official Modern Warfare 3 thread.

Aside from Madden and Forza

A lot of other GOOD games that have sequels, are done Years apart, are in development for years and a lot of time is spent on refinement and testing.

CoD has become an assembly line of games, It’s been the same engine since MW2 with a few optimizations and texture details, same gamplay mechanics with new bullshit features/perk tweaks to make it seem more exciting for a few weeks before people start getting bored on it.

Honestly I will say most people that seem to hate COD and feel the same way as me more or less seems to be PC gamers, mainly because traditionally over the years we have been spoiled by great games before the console revolution, games that took years to develop, tons of delays and so much anticipation.

Not blaming anything on consoles, or saying consoles suck, or hating on people that play them, they are great as thats all some people know, its what their used to, and it allowed people to play these great games on a smaller budget compared to PC’s and not have to upgrade like most of us on the PC do.

But, because of this, it has caused games like CoD to get hot headed, realize they can make a ton of money off of it, and know that if they turn games every 6 months, even if they are not the greatest people know the next one is right around the corner and will hop on a pre-order without even thinking, its like the fast and the furious, most of us think its dumb in a lot of aspects, but we loved the first one so we keep going back.

CoD is a great console game, it does not require a lot of commitment, its quick and dirty and fun. A lot of the best console games are like that. A game liek BF3 which I know a lot of console peeps are not fond of is slow, and a completely different breed in some aspects then CoD, but people like me who love it and are fanboys have been playing the Battlefield series before most of you even started playing games of this kind. I will say BF3 on the console is quite disappointing, i got to play it a littel bit and while it is fun, it just doesn’t feel right on the console, that and only having 24? players is kinda lame.

Maybe not with you guys and on the Console, but MW2/BO died nearly a month after release on the PC, yea a shit ton of people still play it, but after the first week or two, you can go on steam for example and watch the ammount of players drop considerably

I know of a few communities here on the PC after a few weeks some dropped CoD after a week when they got bored with it, people slowly dribbled off of CoD after a month hardly anyone was playing it and going back to their older games.

I stopped playing after 2 weeks, it got boring it was the same old shit all the time, I see not point in prestige other then it tells people you play way to much, after I unlock everything once why bother doing it again? Thats all CoD has to offer to me, and thats does not bring me back.