Official NHL Offseason Thread

i think they might be holding on to marty untill they get miller locked up, keep marty around as some leverage/insurance incase miller doesnt sign/wants too much money/holds out or whatever…

That’s what they’re saying is happening. The Sabres have one more arb case today with Mair, which speculation is he will be making around 2 yrs. $1 mil. After that they will focus on Miller, and then possibly sign and trade JP with Biron to either St. Louis or Colombus for Dmen, and picks.


Hmmm…not sure I feel about that one…he was generally a solid player

that was stupid. sign and trade packaged with biron would have been a lot better. You don’t let him walk for nothing

We figured it was either him or Danny. Ah well…


yeah but it was pretty much between him and briere. who knows if they are even keeping him.

BTW arbitration is teh ghey.


Im not torn on this one

Hes good and all, but there are others that can step up in hsi place and play just as well…(ie Vanek if he actually tries)

^^ word… not really pissed about this one at all

i was more upset about mckee

yup me too

I really fucking hope vanek gets his act together. He started out as one of my favorite players on the team, with lydman being my least favorite. By the end of the season it was completely the opposite.

JP was part of the stanley cup winning team. Saying that “someone else can step up in place of him” may not work.

Breire > Mckee > Dumont

:frowning: about McKee

“eh” about Dumont. I really liked him alot… but not for $2.9 million.

breire is not worth 5-mil and i could care less about JP going

the sabres offered dumont a multi year deal after they walked away from the 2.9, we could technically still sign him

Broadcast schedule was announced!

Only covers National broadcasts though, i.e. OLN (soon to be Versus :gotme: ), CBC, NBC and TSN

MSG is showing a Sabres game right now!!! I guess they will do five more every tuesday

Dumont signs reported two-year deal w/Nashville

also, Connelly is still feeling effects from concussion, and prolly will miss the start of training camp

We just signed Dmitri Kalinin. :tup:
