«OFFICIAL» NYSpeed / OSYN Track Days! [Next: Sat, Aug 22nd] LAST ONE IN '09!?

^^ Sweet!

Can’t remember my schedule, hopefully I can make the 27th.

I’m off. Car better be ready.

Camp weiner is back in full effect!

I’ll bring some nuts and weiners for lunch.

You’ll have the Z all to yourself if you can, I’ll be shooting photos at my cousin’s wedding that day :banghead::banghead:

I’d be glad to take your spot :smiley:

Perhaps I will bring some gourmet weiners!

sounds good, I will bring the italian sausage and irish potatoes.

Just submitted the application for my passport, hopefully I can make the next trackday.

Perhaps I will bring some gourmet weiner for you.

So… Jared is coming?

the jewelry store?


Keep your double entendre in your pants please.

In and paid. Ordering my EBC yellows tonight.

That’s an interesting choice, any reason(vs HP+ or DS2500) ?

Think Jeller and I found the issue with my boost problem. Picked up a new Pressure Regulator Valve tonight and I’m going to toss that in tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed I’m back to boosting at 21.

If I’m back in the game I’ll be back out there…:slight_smile:

fuck…Ummm, Need to get an enhanced dl… or something for this.

Oh common you dont need shit haha (other than your badge) I on the other hand need to get mine stat.


I need docs to get in to ohhhhh cananda.